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· 3 min read
Dora Noda

On January 25, the second wave of the Sui testnet went live and it would endure for 2 to 3 weeks. As part of this wave, is helping hundreds of projects test and build on a secure and high-performance Sui network. This latest wave will bring more clarity to developers and users as they get ready for full deployment of the Sui network. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this testnet wave so important.

What is Testnet Wave 2?

Testnet Wave 2 is the second phase of testing for Sui, a blockchain platform that enables developers to easily create decentralized applications (dApps) with smart contracts, deploy them on its public blockchain and leverage its built-in tools to keep their applications secure, fast and reliable. During this phase, hundreds of projects are now able to test and build on the secure, high-performance Sui Network using

Testnet Wave 2 has 39 validators plus 2 Mysten Labs-operated validators, which are geographically distributed. The network's epoch duration is approximately 24 hours based on 28800 checkpoints and its reference gas price fluctuates from epoch to epoch. The network is updated only as necessary and data would only be wiped in required recovery scenarios. Mysten Labs provides incident support, including oncall support and incident management protocol with necessary coordination with selected validators.

How can I connect to Sui Testnet?

The network is permissionless. Although anyone can engage with the testnet, awards are exclusively given to program participants.

For an end user or crypto holder:

  1. Sui Web wallet can be downloaded here
  2. Open Sui wallet -> Setting (3 lines) -> Network -> Sui testnet
  3. Use Sui Discord #testnet-faucet channel to receive testnet tokens on Sui testnet.
  4. On testnet, Capy NFT can be tested by visiting

The deployment of Dapps will take a few days as the Testnet has just recently launched.

The testnet SUI coins and staking rewards are exclusively used for testing and have no monetary value.

For a developer,

Grab a free public API key along with the endpoint from and apply it to your SDK or HTTP clients. If you need a dedicated key, please sign up and it's free.

Sui RPC keys

What Does Testnet Wave 2 Mean for Developers?

For developers who are building on Sui or plan to do so in the future, Testnet Wave 2 means more clarity about how their applications will perform when fully deployed onto the main blockchain network. They can use this opportunity to gain insight into how their application works under different conditions before going live in production mode which could result in fewer surprises once they launch their project publicly. With improved security features such as enhanced privacy options available during this testing phase along with advanced analytics capabilities being provided by, developers have everything they need to make sure their applications are running smoothly before taking them live onto the main blockchain network.

Source Link:

· 3 min read
Dora Noda

Are you looking for an easy way to pay for your subscription to BlockEden's API service? Look no further! We are happy to announce that we accept APT as a payment method.

APT is the token of the Aptos blockchain, and it's a great way to pay for our products. Soon, we will also be accepting SUI when Sui mainnet launches. Read on to learn how you can pay for our services with APT!

How to Pay with APT, USDC, USDT on Aptos

Step 1: Get Your APT Wallet Ready

Before you can pay for your subscription with APT, you will need an APT wallet. You can get any wallet that supports Aptos, like Pontem. Once you have a wallet, make sure it has enough funds to cover the subscription cost. You can transfer money from other wallets or buy more tokens directly from exchanges like Coinbase, or LiquidSwap.

Step 2: Go to Our Website and Select the Subscription Plan

Once your wallet is ready, go to BlockEden. xyz's website and select the best plan for your needs. Then, click Pay with crypto and select APT over the Aptos network as your payment method. This will generate an address with a QR code containing the recipient's address. Please send the exact amount of coins to the listed address. Once this is done, you will see Payment succeeded and click the button to get back to the dashboard.

Step 3: Confirm Your Payment

When you have completed the transaction, recheck your wallet balance and ensure that the correct amount has been deducted. If everything looks good, then congratulations! You have successfully paid for your subscription using APT tokens! Now all that's left is to start using our services and enjoy all of their benefits!

Paying for BlockEden. xyz's services with APT tokens is both fast and secure. With just three steps—getting a wallet ready, selecting a plan on our website, and confirming payment—you can subscribe to our services quickly and easily without having to worry about security risks or waiting times associated with other payment methods like credit cards or bank transfers. So what are you waiting for? Start subscribing today with and pay securely with APT tokens!

What is provides a set of APIs that makes it easy for developers to connect to the Aptos and Sui networks. As a result, our platform enables developers to quickly and securely build decentralized applications (DApps). In addition, we offer tools that help developers to query those blockchains with SQL and GraphQL.

We believe that our platform will help to accelerate the development of the Aptos and Sui ecosystems. We aim to make it easy for developers to build DApps on Aptos and Sui, so that more people can use these blockchains to fulfill their decentralized needs.

· 2 min read
Dora Noda Analytics is a metabase for exploring and analyzing blockchain data. It allows users to easily query, visualize, and share data from Aptos and Sui blockchains.

One of the key features of Analytics is its user-friendly interface. It is designed to be accessible to users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced analysts. This makes it an ideal tool for anyone looking to gain insights into the data on blockchain networks. Analytics

One of the primary uses of Analytics is for exploring on-chain data. This can include information about transactions, token transfers, and smart contract interactions. With Analytics, users can quickly and easily query this data using a simple SQL-like language. They can then visualize the data using a variety of charts and graphs, making it easy to identify trends and patterns. Analytics: Explore Table

Another useful feature of Analytics is the ability to share data and analysis with others. Users can create and share dashboards, allowing them to collaborate with others and share their insights with the broader community. This can be especially useful for teams working on blockchain projects, as it allows them to easily share and discuss data and analysis. Analytics Dashboard

In summary, Analytics is a powerful tool for exploring and analyzing blockchain data. Its user-friendly interface and ability to query, visualize, and share data make it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to gain insights into the world of blockchain, starting from Aptos and Sui.


We listen to Aptos and Sui developers every day and are fully committed to serving the best infra for them.

If you’re a Web3 developer or app owner in need of an RPC connection for the Sui devnet, look no further than! We are proud to be one of the first infrastructure providers offering this service for this highly anticipated new blockchains. In addition to our RPC connection, we will also offer a variety of other essential services and features for any Web3 project. Learn more about us today and see how we can help you succeed in the blockchain space!

· 2 min read
Jack Sim

We are among the first Sui Devnet JSON-RPC providers. Now we are excited to expand our API Service to WebSocket too. WebSocket would be useful to those dApps that need to take action on real-time on-chain events.

How to get started?

Step 1. Go to Please sign up if you haven’t done so.

Step 2. Input your name for the API key, select Sui Devnet Websocket, and then click + Create key.

create sui ws key

Step 3. Grab your access URL by clicking Copy to copy it to the clipboard.

Step 4. Use the access URL in your project like the following. Remember to replace <access_key> with your own key.

How to use WebSocket?

To quickly play around WebSocket endpoint in the command line, you could use wscat. To download it, run the following command:

npm install -g wscat

Then, run the following command to connect to the WebSocket endpoint (remember replacing with your own API key):

wscat -c wss://

Now in the session, you could give the command. For example, you could say subscribing events that matchin some cerntain criteria:

Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
> {"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id": 1, "method": "sui_subscribeEvent", "params": [{"All":[{"EventType":"MoveEvent"}, {"Package":"0x2"}, {"Module":"devnet_nft"}]}]}
< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":6240320950310564,"id":1}

And you would also observe events being streamed to your console:

< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"sui_subscribeEvent","params":{"subscription":6240320950310564,"result":{"timestamp":1672211297607,"txDigest":"PDPBHEo5pmMeLK8Dc4226MZxUA2dkQK91W2ECHFgN1a","id":{"txSeq":1471806,"eventSeq":2},"event":{"moveEvent":{"packageId":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002","transactionModule":"devnet_nft","sender":"0x35a09652085b5c4c178d9cfe234d8c1a6b89306b","type":"0x2::devnet_nft::MintNFTEvent","fields":{"creator":"0x35a09652085b5c4c178d9cfe234d8c1a6b89306b","name":"Example NFT","object_id":"0x7631724b6eb066b8514c6159f716a8826055ee5e"},"bcs":"djFyS26wZrhRTGFZ9xaogmBV7l41oJZSCFtcTBeNnP4jTYwaa4kwawtFeGFtcGxlIE5GVA=="}}}}}
< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"sui_subscribeEvent","params":{"subscription":6240320950310564,"result":{"timestamp":1672211297614,"txDigest":"XcTtaU28vUsR18ZMRhE7XuMadeUfCj8kTZfHD1Xs8H7","id":{"txSeq":1471807,"eventSeq":2},"event":{"moveEvent":{"packageId":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002","transactionModule":"devnet_nft","sender":"0xc9a7020d260599e06b63baae7504b2ead68a580a","type":"0x2::devnet_nft::MintNFTEvent","fields":{"creator":"0xc9a7020d260599e06b63baae7504b2ead68a580a","name":"Example NFT","object_id":"0xdc2961ac31f550fcae6ac050c4cc5c364f3736c3"},"bcs":"3ClhrDH1UPyuasBQxMxcNk83NsPJpwINJgWZ4Gtjuq51BLLq1opYCgtFeGFtcGxlIE5GVA=="}}}}}
< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"sui_subscribeEvent","params":{"subscription":6240320950310564,"result":{"timestamp":1672211297617,"txDigest":"ZpnGea1XkkzfsBeSCnR37xKvkdCSgjcfp81owD6QS4i","id":{"txSeq":1471808,"eventSeq":2},"event":{"moveEvent":{"packageId":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002","transactionModule":"devnet_nft","sender":"0x96e31283ad37fe2ebbdff635501c9feaa2bd8af7","type":"0x2::devnet_nft::MintNFTEvent","fields":{"creator":"0x96e31283ad37fe2ebbdff635501c9feaa2bd8af7","name":"Wizard Land","object_id":"0xe63f7ee979d23d4ab60b598529dc4136d33f07a8"},"bcs":"5j9+6XnSPUq2C1mFKdxBNtM/B6iW4xKDrTf+Lrvf9jVQHJ/qor2K9wtXaXphcmQgTGFuZA=="}}}}}

For more details of subscribing Sui events via WebSocket, please refer to the offical doc.


To prevent too many outstanding idle connections, we will drop any WebSocket connection that hasn't exchanged data in the past 5 minutes. Client will receive an error code: 1006.

· 2 min read
Jack Sim

Back to a month ago, we made a public incognito Ethereum mainnet RPC endpoint available to Metamask users (blog post), which attracted and was used by a few users. Now we decided to expand the benefit to our developer customers too!


How to get started?

Step 1. Go to Please sign up if you haven’t done so.

Step 2. Input your name for the API key, select ETH Mainnet, and then click + Create key.

create eth mainnet api key

Step 3. Grab your access URL by clicking it and copying it to the clipboard.

Step 4. Use the access URL in your project like the following. Remember to replace <access_key> with your own key.

To test it, using curl to connect ETH mainnet

curl --location --request POST '<access_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Why Ethereum Network?

Ethereum network has the biggest developer ecosystem, and there are so many great innovations accumulated over years. Supporting it is going to create significant synergy with Move ecosystem. Many of our customers are not exclusive Move developers. Building a single stop for all needed services makes their life easier.

Enjoy our new service and happy holidays!

· 2 min read
Jack Sim

Starting from Sept 23, 2023, if you use the default RPC URL (aka in Metamask, your IP address and wallet address will be collected whenever you send a transaction (source).

Some people prefer to keep their identity untracked, and are looking for an alternative RPC URL that doesn’t track user identity. Here gets you covered! We have opened a public Ethereum Mainnet RPC endpoint – for free, and we do not trace any user identity of any transactions going through our RPC URL as well as blockchain data reading operations.

To set it up with your Metamask, go to Settings -> Networks, and click “Add a network” on the upper right corner. You can fill in the following info:

Setup ethereum rpc url in Metamask

Then, you’re good to go, and click “Save”. When you want to send an incognito transaction, you could just select “Ethereum Mainnet (” network, and then send the transaction (shhh~).

What is is a suite of APIs powering DApps for Aptos and Sui blockchains of all sizes. Our software and API service enables you to easily access blockchain data so that you can build DApps quickly and efficiently. If you’re a Web3 developer or DApp owner in need of an RPC connection for Aptos and Sui, look no further than! We are proud to be one of the first infrastructure providers offering this service for this highly anticipated new blockchain. In addition to our RPC connection, we will also offer a variety of other essential services and features for any Web3 project. Learn more about us today and see how we can help you succeed in the blockchain space!

Will We Help Ethereum Developers Too?

Whether we will offer Ethereum API support to developers is TBD, but your feedback would be important to us. Please let us know your needs!

· 3 min read
Jack Sim is now offering an RPC connection to the Sui devnet, allowing Web3 developers and apps to easily communicate with the new Move-based blockchain.


This service is compatible with the Sui SDK, enabling more streamlined development. Keep reading to learn more about what this means for you and your blockchain needs!

How to get started?

Step 1. Go to Please sign up if you haven’t done so.

Step 2. Input your name for the API key, select Sui Devnet, and then click + Create key.

Create key for Sui API

Step 3. Grab your access URL by clicking it and copying it to the clipboard.

Step 4. Use the access URL in your project like the following. Remember to replace <access_key> with your own key.

Using CURL to connect Sui

curl -X POST<access_key> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"","id":1}'

Using TypeScript SDK to connect Sui

const { JsonRpcProvider } = require("@mysten/sui.js");

(async () => {
const providerUrl = "<access_key>"
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(providerUrl);
const totalTxNumber = await provider.getTotalTransactionNumber();
console.log(`${providerUrl} getTotalTransactionNumber: ` + totalTxNumber);

What is the Sui Blockchain?

The Sui blockchain is a next-generation, high performance blockchain designed to support a wide range of use cases with advanced features such as accounts, identifiers, and resources. It uses the Move programming language which enables developers to build custom logic into their smart contracts. The Sui team aims to make it the most developer friendly blockchain yet by providing extensive documentation, support, and tools. And they’re off to a great start – is one of the first Web3 infrastructure providers to introduce a new commercial RPC service for this highly anticipated platform!

Builders with Sui

Sui is a blockchain with a lot of potential. There are projects like DEXs, games, launchpads, NFT projects, social networks and wallets building on it.

Why Use BlockEden.yxz?

We listen to Aptos and Sui developers every day and are fully committed to serving the best infra for them.

If you’re a Web3 developer or app owner in need of an RPC connection for the Sui devnet, look no further than! We are proud to be one of the first infrastructure providers offering this service for this highly anticipated new blockchain. In addition to our RPC connection, we will also offer a variety of other essential services and features for any Web3 project. Learn more about us today and see how we can help you succeed in the blockchain space!

· One min read
Dora Noda

Many of our customers asked us to improve how we measure API consumption. So today, an API usage monitor is added to the dashboard. API usage monitor

The chart above shows a test customer's daily requests in the last seven days. The requests are measured in compute units. A compute unit estimates how many resources an API method consumes on For example, a simple REST request only consumes 1 CU, while a more complex GraphQL request consumes 5 CUs.

Please note that our daily cutoff for the API meter is UTC 00:00 am.

With this new line chart, you can

  • Get more accurate predictions of your API usage.
  • Make better decisions about how to use your APIs.
  • Spend less time worrying about your usage and more time developing your product. is committed to making it easy for developers to build applications on the blockchain. Our next step is to add basic data analytics for Aptos and support Sui Devnet. If you have any feedback, talk to us at

· 2 min read
Dora Noda

Bock Eden is glad to add the indexer fullnode GraphQL to our Aptos API and Node Service. This solves the pain point immediately for many DApp developers with a high QPS demand in the Aptos ecosystem.

Without our out-of-box performant API, these developers have to connect to the official servers, which are shared across hobbyist developers with a very restrictive rate limit of 300 requests/hour. This limit is not for production-level products. In this case, developers are forced to run the indexer full node by themselves. And unfortunately, the official guide is confusing and does not cover the entire tech stack.

Now, with's Aptos GraphQL API, developers are now free from worrying about the rate limit or the huge hassle of running their own GraphQL servers.

Here's how to get started...

Step 1. Go to Please sign up if you haven't done so.

Step 2. Input your name for the API key, select Aptos Mainnet Indexer GraphQL, and then click + Create key.

Get Aptos GraphQL Step 1

Step 3. Click the access URL in the table to copy or click Test to get started with the Hasura GraphQL playground.

Get Aptos GraphQL Step 2

Get Aptos GraphQL Step 3

Bungie, who is working on an Aptos wallet, says "This is literally life-saving!" is committed to growing with the Aptos developers and providing the most tailored and scalable developer infrastructure. This GraphQL feature is exactly the result of listening to our customers. If you are an Aptos developer that needs anything from us, let us know at