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14 posts tagged with "aptos"

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· One min read
Dora Noda

From September 26-28, 2023, in Madrid, Spain, unveiled the Soroban Indexer and GraphQL at Stellar's annual Meridian conference. We were delighted to showcase our innovations at this esteemed event. Below is our pitch deck for your perusal.

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· 4 min read

In modern software development, building robust APIs is crucial. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the key for communication and data exchange between different software systems, and an API that is easy to use and test can greatly accelerate the development process. We are excited to announce that we have introduced a brand new feature for Aptos - Aptos REST Playground. This is a high-availability API toolkit based on Aptos development, designed to assist you in building Aptos applications faster and better.

What is Aptos REST Playground?

Aptos REST Playground is an interactive Web3 application designed to assist developers in exploring, testing, and understanding the Aptos API with ease. It provides an intuitive Swagger-based interactive interface that allows you to construct and send REST requests, view responses, and test to analyze data.

This tool enables Aptos developers to gain a better understanding of Aptos functionality and build exceptional Aptos applications more quickly and efficiently.

Why Choose Aptos REST Playground?

Aptos REST Playground is a high-performance REST API customized specifically for Aptos developers by It aims to provide the following advantages to Aptos developers:

  1. Interactive API Testing

Aptos REST Playground allows you to conduct interactive API testing without leaving your browser. It is an interactive application built on Swagger. You can construct and customize requests, view real-time responses, and make adjustments as needed. This greatly simplifies the process of API testing and debugging.

  1. Real-time Data Analysis

You can directly view the data in the API responses within Aptos REST Playground, without the need to write additional code or use third-party tools. This makes it easier for you to comprehend the information returned by the API, facilitating the development of better applications.

  1. User-Friendly

The user interface of Aptos REST Playground is highly intuitive, requiring no complex setup or configuration. Whether you are an experienced developer or a beginner, you can easily get started and use it effectively.

How to Get Started with Aptos REST Playground?

Enter our API marketplace and select the Aptos card:


Inside the Aptos REST Playground interface, locate the Test REST chain API where you can see that we have integrated all the interfaces required for Aptos development:


Here, you don't need any additional configuration; our playground is ready to use out of the box. Taking Get Account as an example, we will show you how to use Aptos REST Playground:

  1. Expand the /account/{address} table; we have preconfigured some parameters for you. Of course, you can also set your own parameters.
  2. Click the Try it out button, and you can access the interface using either our default parameters or any information you set yourself. You will immediately receive the data you need. Pay special attention to the data with an HTTP Code of 200; it will be your primary focus. With this data, you can analyze any Aptos data request.


Sometimes, to test the speed and stability of the product, you may want to build a set of testing code on the frontend yourself. This is allowed and supported by us.

Before doing so, you need to first locate your BLOCKEDEN_API_KEY, which can be found at


If you haven't created your own BLOCKEDEN_API_KEY yet, you can still use the public API key we provide: 8UuXzatAZYDBJC6YZTKD.

Now, let's create our own simple testing code based on React and the Aptos REST API:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);

useEffect(() => {
const address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000dead';
const apiEndpoint = `${address}`;

const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(apiEndpoint, {
method: 'get',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');

const result = await response.json();

} catch (error) {
console.error('API Request Error:', error);

}, []);

return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Aptos Indexer GraphQL Example</h1>
{data ? (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
) : (

export default App;

We also support cURL testing:

curl -L -X GET '' \\
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Aptos REST Playground is a powerful development tool for Aptos, designed to simplify the process of Aptos development and testing. We hope it provides developers with a better working experience and contributes to the creation of exceptional applications. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your attention!

· 4 min read

We are excited to announce some great news to the community: After a period of development, we have launched a GraphQL playground based on the Aptos API. This is designed to assist you in building Aptos applications faster and better.

It is widely known that in today's world of software development, building efficient, flexible, and scalable APIs is of paramount importance. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the bridge for communication and data exchange between different software systems, making well-designed APIs crucial for the success of applications. GraphQL has already become the preferred tool for many developers in building flexible and powerful APIs.

Today, we are thrilled to announce Aptos Indexer GraphQL, a high-performance GraphQL framework designed specifically for Aptos developers. It is aimed at simplifying the development and management of Aptos APIs while delivering outstanding performance and scalability.

What is GraphQL?

First, let's take a look at what GraphQL is all about. GraphQL is a query language and runtime environment for APIs that allows clients to precisely specify the data they need, instead of receiving data in fixed formats like traditional REST APIs. This flexibility makes GraphQL particularly well-suited for building client-driven applications, such as single-page applications (SPAs) and mobile apps.

The core idea of GraphQL is "only get the data you need." Clients can retrieve multiple resources through a single request and specify the fields they need for each resource. This reduces the issues of over-fetching or under-fetching data, thereby improving network efficiency.

Why choose Aptos Indexer GraphQL?

Aptos Indexer GraphQL is a high-performance GraphQL API tailor-made for Aptos developers. It aims to provide the following advantages to Aptos developers:

  1. Simplified development process

    Aptos Indexer GraphQL simplifies the API development process by offering a clear and intuitive API definition language and tools. Developers can easily define data types, queries, mutations, and resolvers, making API construction highly intuitive.

  2. Outstanding performance

    Aptos Indexer GraphQL is designed as a high-performance framework. It utilizes modern data-loading techniques to ensure that only necessary database queries are executed, thereby reducing response times and enhancing performance.

  3. Scalability

    Aptos Indexer GraphQL can meet your needs regardless of the scale of your application. It supports a modular architecture, allowing for easy addition of new features and data types.

  4. Powerful utilities

    Aptos Indexer GraphQL provides a set of GraphQL-based testing tools, including GraphiQL, which allows you to interactively validate the required data in real-time, making it easier for you to develop, test, and maintain the API.

How to get started with Aptos Indexer GraphQL?

First, select the Aptos Indexer service in our API marketplace: api marketplace api marketplace

Then, copy your BLOCKEDEN_API_KEY at



After receiving a success message, you can start using the Aptos Indexer GraphQL service.

If you haven't created a BLOCKEDEN_API_KEY yet, you can still use the public API key: 8UuXzatAZYDBJC6YZTKD.

Here is a simple example of using React to connect to the Aptos Indexer GraphQL service:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);

useEffect(() => {
const apiEndpoint = '';

const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(apiEndpoint, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
query: `
query {
block_metadata_transactions(limit: 2) {

if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');

const result = await response.json();

} catch (error) {
console.error('GraphQL Request Error:', error);

}, []);

return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Aptos Indexer GraphQL Example</h1>
{data ? (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
) : (

export default App;

You can also directly access our built-in GraphiQL service, located at the bottom of the page.

Aptos Indexer GraphQL service for

Aptos Indexer GraphQL service for

Alternatively, you can directly access Aptos Indexer GraphQL using curl:

curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"query":"query {block_metadata_transactions(limit: 2) {block_height}}"}'


Aptos Indexer GraphQL is a powerful development service within the Aptos ecosystem, designed to streamline the development and management of Aptos APIs while delivering exceptional performance and scalability. We hope that developers can enhance their Aptos applications and enjoy a faster and more efficient development process through the use of Aptos Indexer GraphQL.

Thank you for your interest in our latest product release. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact our support team. We look forward to hearing from you and continually improving and enhancing Aptos Indexer GraphQL.

· 3 min read
Dora Noda

Aptos has been gaining traction over the past five months after the mainnet launch, and with its growth comes the need for more sophisticated tools and resources for developers. and Aptools have recognized this need and have partnered to create a more robust blockchain developer ecosystem. In this blog post, we will introduce both companies and explain why our partnership matters. and Aptools Partner to Strengthen the Aptos Developer Ecosystem · Aptools Partnership
(image served from dStore) is a San Francisco-based software company that specializes in connecting web3 developers to blockchain nodes and networks. Its goal is to build an all-inclusive platform for web3 developers to make it easier for them to build decentralized applications. has a team of experienced developers and blockchain experts who are committed to providing the best possible experience for its users.

Aptools, on the other hand, is an open-source project that provides developers with real-time data about the Aptos blockchain network. It is a valuable resource for developers who want to build decentralized applications on top of the Aptos blockchain. Aptools keeps track of the latest transactions for free and offers a user-friendly interface that developers can easily navigate.

The partnership between and Aptools is significant because it brings together two companies that have complementary strengths.'s expertise in blockchain connectivity will enable developers to access real-time data from the Aptos blockchain network seamlessly. This integration will allow developers to build more efficient and effective decentralized applications.

Moreover, the partnership will help both companies expand their reach and establish a stronger presence in the Aptos community. Aptools has a large and active community of developers who are already using its platform. By collaborating with Aptools, can tap into this community and introduce its services to a wider audience. On the other hand, Aptools can benefit from's expertise in blockchain technology, which can help them improve their platform and offer more advanced features to their users.

In conclusion, the partnership between and Aptools is a strategic move that will benefit both companies and the Aptos community. By leveraging each other's strengths, they can create a more robust ecosystem for web3 developers. The partnership will enable developers to access real-time data from the Aptos blockchain network seamlessly, which will help them build more efficient and effective decentralized applications. We can expect to see more collaborations like this in the future as companies recognize the value of partnerships in the Aptos blockchain space.

· 3 min read
Dora Noda

Are you looking for an easy way to pay for your subscription to BlockEden's API service? Look no further! We are happy to announce that we accept APT as a payment method.

APT is the token of the Aptos blockchain, and it's a great way to pay for our products. Soon, we will also be accepting SUI when Sui mainnet launches. Read on to learn how you can pay for our services with APT!

How to Pay with APT, USDC, USDT on Aptos

Step 1: Get Your APT Wallet Ready

Before you can pay for your subscription with APT, you will need an APT wallet. You can get any wallet that supports Aptos, like Pontem. Once you have a wallet, make sure it has enough funds to cover the subscription cost. You can transfer money from other wallets or buy more tokens directly from exchanges like Coinbase, or LiquidSwap.

Step 2: Go to Our Website and Select the Subscription Plan

Once your wallet is ready, go to BlockEden. xyz's website and select the best plan for your needs. Then, click Pay with crypto and select APT over the Aptos network as your payment method. This will generate an address with a QR code containing the recipient's address. Please send the exact amount of coins to the listed address. Once this is done, you will see Payment succeeded and click the button to get back to the dashboard.

Step 3: Confirm Your Payment

When you have completed the transaction, recheck your wallet balance and ensure that the correct amount has been deducted. If everything looks good, then congratulations! You have successfully paid for your subscription using APT tokens! Now all that's left is to start using our services and enjoy all of their benefits!

Paying for BlockEden. xyz's services with APT tokens is both fast and secure. With just three steps—getting a wallet ready, selecting a plan on our website, and confirming payment—you can subscribe to our services quickly and easily without having to worry about security risks or waiting times associated with other payment methods like credit cards or bank transfers. So what are you waiting for? Start subscribing today with and pay securely with APT tokens!

What is provides a set of APIs that makes it easy for developers to connect to the Aptos and Sui networks. As a result, our platform enables developers to quickly and securely build decentralized applications (DApps). In addition, we offer tools that help developers to query those blockchains with SQL and GraphQL.

We believe that our platform will help to accelerate the development of the Aptos and Sui ecosystems. We aim to make it easy for developers to build DApps on Aptos and Sui, so that more people can use these blockchains to fulfill their decentralized needs.

· 2 min read
Dora Noda Analytics is a metabase for exploring and analyzing blockchain data. It allows users to easily query, visualize, and share data from Aptos and Sui blockchains.

One of the key features of Analytics is its user-friendly interface. It is designed to be accessible to users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced analysts. This makes it an ideal tool for anyone looking to gain insights into the data on blockchain networks. Analytics

One of the primary uses of Analytics is for exploring on-chain data. This can include information about transactions, token transfers, and smart contract interactions. With Analytics, users can quickly and easily query this data using a simple SQL-like language. They can then visualize the data using a variety of charts and graphs, making it easy to identify trends and patterns. Analytics: Explore Table

Another useful feature of Analytics is the ability to share data and analysis with others. Users can create and share dashboards, allowing them to collaborate with others and share their insights with the broader community. This can be especially useful for teams working on blockchain projects, as it allows them to easily share and discuss data and analysis. Analytics Dashboard

In summary, Analytics is a powerful tool for exploring and analyzing blockchain data. Its user-friendly interface and ability to query, visualize, and share data make it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to gain insights into the world of blockchain, starting from Aptos and Sui.


We listen to Aptos and Sui developers every day and are fully committed to serving the best infra for them.

If you’re a Web3 developer or app owner in need of an RPC connection for the Sui devnet, look no further than! We are proud to be one of the first infrastructure providers offering this service for this highly anticipated new blockchains. In addition to our RPC connection, we will also offer a variety of other essential services and features for any Web3 project. Learn more about us today and see how we can help you succeed in the blockchain space!

· 2 min read
Dora Noda

We are excited to announce a partnership between Aptos Eden and This partnership will allow us to provide a collaborative system for Move language learning, Aptos ecosystem integration, and web3 infrastructure.

Partnership between Aptos Eden and

What is Aptos Eden?

Aptos Eden is an aggregated platform for Move language learning and Aptos ecosystem integration. We believe that this platform will help developers grow faster and provide them with the best possible learning experience in the Chinese community.

What is is a suite of APIs powering DApps of all sizes for blockchains. The goal is to empower the next wave of DApp developers with the infrastructure to build and scale faster.

How will this partnership help me?

This partnership between Aptos Eden and will bridge the gaps between learning and DApp development in action. Please keep in touch with us for the incoming offerings from us. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your continued support!

· 2 min read
Dora Noda

We are excited to announce our partnership with Aptos Global, the first Aptos Eco APEC Community. This partnership integrates a platform for research, Move language education, and eco-projects development into one neat little package.

Not only will this teach new skills and strengthen developer communities, but it will also push the limits of new technologies and foster a world-class ecosystem of Aptos developers and entrepreneurs. And what's more - has been chosen as the infrastructure provider of choice for all affiliated projects!

We believe that a simpler and overall better developer experience is key to broad web3 adoption. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to providing a suite of APIs that power DApps of all sizes for Aptos and Sui blockchains. So whether you're just getting started or you're looking to scale up, has you covered.

Aptos Global and Partnership

What is Aptos Global?

Aptos Global is the first Aptos Eco APEC Community. An integrated platform for research, Move langugage education, and eco-projects development. Aptos Global teaches new skills, strengthens developer communities, and push the limits of new technologies, and fosters a world-class ecosystem of Aptos developers and entrepreneurs.


Why was BlockEden chosen?

BlockEden was chosen because of the quality of its infrastructure and dedication to developer experience.

  • We serve standard blockchain APIs with security, reliability, and high availability. Our nodes are running the latest version with 99.9% uptime.
  • Developers can connect their DApps to our nodes instantly, without the hassle of DevOps.
  • We are the only commercial GraphQL API provider in the Aptos ecosystem.
  • Data analysts could write SQL against our indexed data and build a visualization dashboard for free. is a San Francisco-based software company that helps web3 developers connect to the Aptos network instantly and securely.

We are excited to be working with Aptos Global as their infrastructure provider of choice and we believe that this partnership is just the beginning of great things to come for both sides. Stay tuned for more news and updates!

· One min read
Dora Noda

Many of our customers asked us to improve how we measure API consumption. So today, an API usage monitor is added to the dashboard. API usage monitor

The chart above shows a test customer's daily requests in the last seven days. The requests are measured in compute units. A compute unit estimates how many resources an API method consumes on For example, a simple REST request only consumes 1 CU, while a more complex GraphQL request consumes 5 CUs.

Please note that our daily cutoff for the API meter is UTC 00:00 am.

With this new line chart, you can

  • Get more accurate predictions of your API usage.
  • Make better decisions about how to use your APIs.
  • Spend less time worrying about your usage and more time developing your product. is committed to making it easy for developers to build applications on the blockchain. Our next step is to add basic data analytics for Aptos and support Sui Devnet. If you have any feedback, talk to us at

· 2 min read
Jack Sim

Great news for Aptos holders and web3 developers! Scalp Empire has partnered with to bring NFT analytics to the Aptos network.

With this partnership, will provide indexed data to power Scalp Empire's analytical tools. These tools are essential for making successful NFT trades. So if you're looking to get into the world of NFTs, be sure to check out Scalp Empire!

Scalp Empire Partners with to Bring NFT Analytics to the Aptos Network

What is Scalp Empire?

Scalp Empire is a project aiming to provide our holders with most of the tools needed for making profitable NFT trades on Solana network. In addition to building analytical tools powered by's indexed data, Scalp Empire also offers sniping bots and listing features. These tools are essential for making successful NFT trades.

What is is a suite of APIs powering DApps of all sizes for Aptos and Sui blockchains. Our software and API service enables you to easily access blockchain data so that you can build DApps quickly and efficiently.

We're excited to see what Scalp Empire builds with's data! If you're interested in learning more about this partnership or getting started with NFTs, be sure to check out today.