Aptos GraphQL and Analytics
Raw blockchain data can be difficult for developers to work with for a number of reasons.
- It is often stored in a proprietary format that is not easily accessible or readable by external systems or tools.
- It can be voluminous and complex, making it difficult to extract and analyze the specific information that is needed for a particular application or use case
- It may be distributed across multiple nodes in the blockchain network, requiring developers to devise complex strategies for accessing and integrating the data from multiple sources
BlockEden.xyz solves this by indexing blockchain data in real-time and presents the result to you with an analytics web portal and indexer GraphQL.
Analytics web portal​
BlockEden.xyz Analytics is a metabase web portal for exploring and analyzing blockchain data. It allows users to easily query, visualize, and share data from Aptos and Sui blockchains.
Quick start
SQL examples​
select date(timestamp) as date, count(*) as user_tx_count from user_transactions group by 1;
Aptos NFT swap volume last 14 days
SELECT date(inserted_at) AS date,
sum(((DATA #>> '{coin_amount}')::bigint / pow(10, 8))) AS coin_amount
WHERE TYPE like '%::token_coin_swap::TokenSwapEvent'
Indexer GraphQL​
GraphQL is a query language and runtime for building APIs that allows clients to request and receive only the data they need, in a predictable and flexible format. It provides a way for clients to specify the shape of the data they need, and for the server to describe the data it can provide, enabling more efficient and flexible communication between the client and the server. GraphQL is often used as an alternative to REST APIs, and is particularly well-suited for modern, data-driven applications that need to be flexible and easily extended.
You may create an api key at the dashboard to get transaction, block, coin, NFT, and events data from our GraphQL API.
Indexer database schema​
Field | Type | Description |
version | Int8 | A version is the sequence id of a transaction. |
block_height | Int8 | height of the block where the transactions are recorded |
id | Varchar | identifier of the block |
round | Int8 | A round consists of achieving consensus on a block of transactions and their execution results. |
epoch | Int8 | An epoch is a fixed duration of time, currently defined as two hours on mainnet. |
previous_block_votes_bitvec | Jsonb | bitvector of previous block votes |
proposer | Varchar | address of the block proposer |
failed_proposer_indices | Jsonb | list of failed proposer indices |
timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp is the machine timestamp of when the block is committed. |
inserted_at | Timestamp | inserted_at is when the row is inserted into the database. |
The coin_activities
table contains all the coin transfter activity history.
Field | Type | Description |
transaction_version | Int8 | version of the transaction |
event_account_address | Varchar | account address where event is recorded |
event_creation_number | Int8 | block creation number of the event |
event_sequence_number | Int8 | unique identifier of the event |
owner_address | Varchar | address of the owner of the coin |
coin_type | Varchar | Coin type or symbol. Get all registered coin types. |
amount | Numeric | amount of the coin |
activity_type | Varchar | The type of the activity among 0x1::coin::DepositEvent , 0x1::aptos_coin::GasFeeEvent, 0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent |
is_gas_fee | Bool | indicates if the transaction is a gas fee or not |
is_transaction_success | Bool | indicates if the transaction is successful or not |
entry_function_id_str | Nullable<Varchar> | entry function identifier of the transaction |
block_height | Int8 | height of the block where the transaction is recorded |
transaction_timestamp | Timestamp | when is the transaction minted |
inserted_at | Timestamp | time when the transaction was inserted into the database |
List 10 most recent USDC coin activities for deposits into a specific address after a date.
query CoinActivities($owner_address: String, $limit: Int, $offset: Int, $coin_type: String, $after_at: timestamp) {
where: {owner_address: {_eq: $owner_address}, activity_type: {_eq: "0x1::coin::DepositEvent"}, coin_type: {_eq: $coin_type}, transaction_timestamp: {_gte: $after_at}}
order_by: {transaction_version: desc}
limit: $limit
offset: $offset
) {
"owner_address": "0x8304621d9c0f6f20b3b5d1bcf44def4ac5c8bf7c11a1ce80b53778532396312b",
"limit": 10,
"offset": 0,
"coin_type": "0x5e156f1207d0ebfa19a9eeff00d62a282278fb8719f4fab3a586a0a2c0fffbea::coin::T",
"after_at": "2021-01-07T19:15:58.268388"
Field | Type | Description |
transaction_version | Int8 | version of the transaction |
owner_address | Varchar | address of the owner |
coin_type_hash | Varchar | hash of the coin type |
coin_type | Varchar | symbol or name of the coin type |
amount | Numeric | amount of the transaction |
transaction_timestamp | Timestamp | when the transaction was initiated |
inserted_at | Timestamp | when the row was inserted into the database |
Field | Type | Description |
coin_type_hash | Varchar | Hash of the coin type metadata. |
coin_type | Varchar | The type or symbol of the coin. |
transaction_version_created | Int8 | Version of the transaction that created the coin type. |
creator_address | Varchar | The address of the transaction creator. |
name | Varchar | The name of the coin. |
symbol | Varchar | The symbol used to represent the coin. |
decimals | Int4 | The number of decimal places used to represent the coin value. |
transaction_created_timestamp | Timestamp | The timestamp of when the transaction was created. |
inserted_at | Timestamp | The timestamp of when the row was inserted into the database. |
supply_aggregator_table_handle | Nullable<Varchar> | Handle to the table that contains the supply aggregation data for the coin. |
supply_aggregator_table_key | Nullable<Text> | Key used to identify the supply aggregation data for the coin. |
Field | Type | Description |
transaction_version | Int8 | Transaction version |
coin_type_hash | Varchar | Hash of the coin type |
coin_type | Varchar | Type of coin |
supply | Numeric | Total supply of the coin |
transaction_timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of the transaction |
transaction_epoch | Int8 | Epoch of the transaction |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the data was inserted |
Field | Type | Description |
collection_data_id_hash | Varchar | Hash of the collection data ID |
transaction_version | Int8 | Transaction version |
creator_address | Varchar | Address of the creator |
collection_name | Varchar | Name of the collection |
description | Text | Description of the collection |
metadata_uri | Varchar | URI of the metadata |
supply | Numeric | Total supply of the collection |
maximum | Numeric | Maximum supply of the collection |
maximum_mutable | Bool | Flag indicating if the maximum supply is mutable |
uri_mutable | Bool | Flag indicating if the metadata URI is mutable |
description_mutable | Bool | Flag indicating if the description is mutable |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the data was inserted |
table_handle | Varchar | Handle of the table |
transaction_timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of the transaction |
Field | Type | Description |
domain | Varchar | Domain name |
subdomain | Varchar | Subdomain name |
registered_address | Nullable<Varchar> | Address that is registered |
expiration_timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the registration expires |
last_transaction_version | Int8 | Last transaction version |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the data was inserted |
Field | Type | Description |
owner_address | Varchar | Address of the owner |
coin_type_hash | Varchar | Hash of the coin type |
coin_type | Varchar | Type of coin |
amount | Numeric | Amount of coins |
last_transaction_version | Int8 | Last transaction version |
last_transaction_timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of the last transaction |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the data was inserted |
Field | Type | Description |
collection_data_id_hash | Varchar | Unique identifier of the collection |
creator_address | Varchar | Address of the creator of the collection |
collection_name | Varchar | Name of the collection |
description | Text | Description of the collection |
metadata_uri | Varchar | URI of the metadata of the collection |
supply | Numeric | Current supply of the collection |
maximum | Numeric | Maximum supply of the collection |
maximum_mutable | Bool | Indicates if the maximum supply can be changed |
uri_mutable | Bool | Indicates if the URI of the collection can be changed |
description_mutable | Bool | Indicates if the description of the collection can be changed |
last_transaction_version | Int8 | Version of the last transaction |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the collection was created |
table_handle | Varchar | Handle of the table where the collection data is stored |
last_transaction_timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of the last transaction |
Field | Type | Description |
staking_pool_address | Varchar | Address of the staking pool |
voter_address | Varchar | Address of the voter |
last_transaction_version | Int8 | Version of the last transaction |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the voting relationship was created |
Field | Type | Description |
token_data_id_hash | Varchar | Unique identifier for the token data |
creator_address | Varchar | Address of the creator of the token |
collection_name | Varchar | Name of the collection the token belongs to |
name | Varchar | Name of the token |
maximum | Numeric | Maximum number of tokens allowed to exist |
supply | Numeric | Current number of tokens in existence |
largest_property_version | Numeric | Largest property version of the token |
metadata_uri | Varchar | URI for the token metadata |
payee_address | Varchar | Address of the payee for the token |
royalty_points_numerator | Numeric | Numerator for the token's royalty points |
royalty_points_denominator | Numeric | Denominator for the token's royalty points |
maximum_mutable | Bool | Indicates if the maximum number of tokens can be changed |
uri_mutable | Bool | Indicates if the metadata URI can be changed |
description_mutable | Bool | Indicates if the description of the token can be changed |
properties_mutable | Bool | Indicates if the properties of the token can be changed |
royalty_mutable | Bool | Indicates if the royalty points of the token can be changed |
default_properties | Jsonb | Default properties for the token |
last_transaction_version | Int8 | Version of the last transaction for the token |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the token data was inserted |
collection_data_id_hash | Varchar | Unique identifier for the collection the token belongs to |
last_transaction_timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of the last transaction for the token |
description | Text | Description of the token |
Field | Type | Description |
token_data_id_hash | Varchar | Unique identifier for token data |
property_version | Numeric | Version of token properties |
owner_address | Varchar | Address of token owner |
creator_address | Varchar | Address of token creator |
collection_name | Varchar | Name of token collection |
name | Varchar | Name of the token |
amount | Numeric | Amount of the token |
token_properties | Jsonb | Token properties in JSON format |
last_transaction_version | Int8 | Version of the last transaction |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of data insertion |
collection_data_id_hash | Varchar | Unique identifier for collection data |
table_type | Text | Type of the table |
last_transaction_timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of the last transaction |
Field | Type | Description |
token_data_id_hash | Varchar | Unique identifier for token data |
property_version | Numeric | Version of token property |
from_address | Varchar | Address of the sender |
to_address | Varchar | Address of the receiver |
collection_data_id_hash | Varchar | Unique identifier for collection data |
creator_address | Varchar | Address of token creator |
collection_name | Varchar | Name of token collection |
name | Varchar | Name of the token |
amount | Numeric | Amount of the token |
table_handle | Varchar | Handle of the table |
last_transaction_version | Int8 | Version of the last transaction |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of data insertion |
last_transaction_timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of the last transaction |
Field | Type | Description |
sequence_number | Int8 | Unique sequence number of the event |
creation_number | Int8 | Creation number of the event |
account_address | Varchar | Address of the account |
transaction_version | Int8 | Version of the transaction |
transaction_block_height | Int8 | Height of the block in which the event was included |
type_ | Text | Type of the event |
data | Jsonb | Data related to the event |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the event was inserted into the database |
Field | Type | Description |
db | Varchar | Name of the database |
is_indexer_up | Bool | Whether the indexer is up or down |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp when the indexer status was recorded |
Field | Type | Description |
chain_id | Int8 | Chain ID of the ledger |
Field | Type | Description |
transaction_version | Int8 | Version number of the transaction |
write_set_change_index | Int8 | Index of the change made in the write set |
transaction_block_height | Int8 | Block height of the transaction |
name | Text | Name of the module |
address | Varchar | Address of the module |
bytecode | Nullable<Bytea> | Bytecode of the module |
friends | Nullable<Jsonb> | Friends of the module |
exposed_functions | Nullable<Jsonb> | List of functions exposed by the module |
structs | Nullable<Jsonb> | Structs defined in the module |
is_deleted | Bool | Indicates whether the module has been deleted |
inserted_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the module was inserted |