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Working with Strings in Move

In this tutorial, we will learn how to work with strings in the Move programming language. Move does not have a native type for strings, but it provides a convenient wrapper for handling strings using the std::string::{Self, String} module.

  1. Create a Move module with a struct:

Create a new Move file (e.g., "strings_example.move") and define a module called "strings" with a struct named "Name":

module examples::strings {
use sui::object::{Self, UID};
use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
use std::string::{Self, String};

struct Name has key, store {
id: UID,

/// Here it is - the String type
name: String
  1. Import the String type:

To use the String type, import it from the std::string module:

use std::string::{Self, String};
  1. Define a function to create a Name object:

Add a public function called issue_name_nft that takes a vector<u8> (representing raw bytes of a string) and a mutable transaction context as input. This function will create and return a Name object:

public fun issue_name_nft(
name_bytes: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut TxContext
): Name {
// Your code here
  1. Implement the function to create a Name object:

Inside the issue_name_nft function, create a Name object by initializing its id and name fields. Convert the raw bytes (name_bytes) into a String type using the string::utf8 function:

public fun issue_name_nft(
name_bytes: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut TxContext
): Name {
Name {
id: object::new(ctx),
name: string::utf8(name_bytes)
  1. Final Move module with String handling:

After implementing the function, your complete "strings_example.move" module should look like this:

module examples::strings {
use sui::object::{Self, UID};
use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
use std::string::{Self, String};

struct Name has key, store {
id: UID,

/// Here it is - the String type
name: String

/// Create a name Object by passing raw bytes
public fun issue_name_nft(
name_bytes: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut TxContext
): Name {
Name {
id: object::new(ctx),
name: string::utf8(name_bytes)

Save the file, and you've successfully implemented string handling in a Move module using the std::string::{Self, String} module.