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Implementing the Hot Potato Pattern

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to implement the Hot Potato pattern in the Sui ecosystem. The Hot Potato pattern involves a struct with no abilities, meaning it can only be packed and unpacked in its module. This pattern ensures that certain functions must be called in a specific order.

For this example, we will implement a simple phone trade-in module, which allows users to buy a phone and pay later or trade-in their old phone for a discount on a new phone.

Follow these steps to implement the Hot Potato pattern:

  1. Create the trade_in module: Define a new module examples::trade_in that will implement the Hot Potato pattern.
module examples::trade_in {
use sui::transfer;
use sui::sui::SUI;
use sui::coin::{Self, Coin};
use sui::object::{Self, UID};
use sui::tx_context::{TxContext};
  1. Define constants and errors: Define constants for the phone model prices and error codes for wrong model selection and incorrect payment amounts.
const MODEL_ONE_PRICE: u64 = 10000;
const MODEL_TWO_PRICE: u64 = 20000;
const EWrongModel: u64 = 1;
const EIncorrectAmount: u64 = 2;
  1. Define the Phone and Receipt structs: Create a Phone struct that can be purchased or traded in for a newer model, and a Receipt struct that represents a payable receipt.
struct Phone has key, store { id: UID, model: u8 }
struct Receipt { price: u64 }
  1. Create the buy_phone function: Define a public function buy_phone that takes a phone model and a mutable transaction context as arguments. It returns a tuple containing a Phone and a Receipt.
public fun buy_phone(model: u8, ctx: &mut TxContext): (Phone, Receipt) {
assert!(model == 1 || model == 2, EWrongModel);

let price = if (model == 1) MODEL_ONE_PRICE else MODEL_TWO_PRICE;

Phone { id: object::new(ctx), model },
Receipt { price }
  1. Create the pay_full function: Define a public function pay_full that takes a Receipt and a payment Coin<SUI> as arguments. The function consumes the Receipt and transfers the payment to the @examples account.
public fun pay_full(receipt: Receipt, payment: Coin<SUI>) {
let Receipt { price } = receipt;
assert!(coin::value(&payment) == price, EIncorrectAmount);

// for simplicity's sake transfer directly to @examples account
transfer::public_transfer(payment, @examples);
  1. Create the trade_in function: Define a public function trade_in that takes a Receipt, an old Phone, and a payment Coin<SUI> as arguments. The function consumes the Receipt, transfers the old phone and the payment to the @examples account, and applies a discount based on the old phone's model.
public fun trade_in(receipt: Receipt, old_phone: Phone, payment: Coin<SUI>) {
let Receipt { price } = receipt;
let tradein_price = if (old_phone.model == 1) MODEL_ONE_PRICE else MODEL_TWO_PRICE;
let to_pay = price - (tradein_price / 2);

assert!(coin::value(&payment) == to_pay, EIncorrectAmount);
