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2 posts tagged with "iotex"

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· 4 min read
Dora Noda

Decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN) is emerging as a transformative force in the Web3 landscape, offering a new paradigm for building, operating, and managing physical infrastructure networks. However, many DePIN startups face significant challenges due to a lack of funds and technical competence. IoTeX 2.0 aims to address these challenges with a suite of innovations designed to support the DePIN community in realizing the vision of "DePIN for Everyone!".

Core Innovations of IoTeX 2.0

  1. Tokenomic Design:

    • A comprehensive utility for IOTX tokens within the modular DePIN infrastructure.
    • Inflationary staking rewards, deflationary burning mechanisms, and growth incentives to maintain a balanced token supply.
  2. Modular DePIN Infrastructure:

    • Modular Security Pool (MSP): Provides a unified trusted layer for DePIN infrastructure modules through restaking.
    • W3bstream: A decentralized multi-prover network for DePIN verification, supporting various validity proof approaches.
    • ioID: A unified identity system managing and securing machine-to-machine and machine-to-person relationships.
    • ioConnect: A universal embedded SDK empowering device abstraction and facilitating smart device interaction.
    • ioDDK: A chain SDK allowing DePIN projects to provision self-sovereign application chains, inheriting IoTeX L1 security.
  3. Public Goods:

    • Tools like DePINScan and DePIN Liquidity Hub to support awareness, usability, and liquidity for DePIN projects.

The Importance of DePIN

DePIN aims to disrupt traditional industries and public utilities, which are often monopolies controlled by centralized corporations and governments. By leveraging blockchain technology, DePIN can bring transparency, trust, and innovation to physical infrastructure and public utilities. This new model allows people to contribute to and build equity in real-world infrastructure networks, overcoming financial and logistical barriers to entry.

The DePIN Landscape

DePIN is a collective effort of numerous projects across the globe, focusing on decentralizing and improving physical infrastructure. The DePIN sector includes:

  • Physical Resource Networks: Produce non-fungible resources relying on location-dependent hardware.
  • Digital Resource Networks: Produce marketplaces for fungible resources, relying on location-agnostic hardware.
  • Infrastructure and Tooling: Facilitate growth and provide off-the-shelf capabilities for DePIN applications.

The DePIN Tech Stack and Its Challenges

The DePIN tech stack requires an end-to-end architecture connecting the real world to the blockchain. This includes layers like hardware abstraction, connectivity, sequencer, data availability, long-term storage, off-chain computing, blockchain, identity, and governance. Developing this complex stack presents high barriers to entry, particularly for emerging markets.

IoTeX 2.0: A Modular Approach

IoTeX 2.0 introduces a modular infrastructure, allowing DePIN projects to construct a tech stack that suits their specific needs. This approach supports both large and small teams by providing comprehensive and purpose-built solutions. Key components include:

  • Modular Security Pool (MSP): Ensures unified and end-to-end trust across DIMs, leveraging staked assets from well-established blockchains.
  • W3bstream: Facilitates decentralized off-chain computing with multiple provers, enhancing the scalability and efficiency of DePIN applications.
  • ioID and ioConnect: Simplify identity management and hardware abstraction, respectively, enabling seamless integration of smart devices into DePIN projects.
  • ioDDK: Supports the launch of self-sovereign L2 blockchains, expanding the capabilities of DePIN projects.

Future Outlook

IoTeX 2.0 aims to create a new world where physical infrastructure networks are decentralized, transparent, and equitable. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like zero-knowledge proofs, AI, and blockchain, IoTeX 2.0 envisions a future where smart devices, autonomous systems, and digital resource marketplaces operate seamlessly and securely. This vision empowers everyday people to contribute to and benefit from the modernization of global infrastructure, ensuring "DePIN for Everyone!".


IoTeX 2.0 is a significant milestone in the evolution of the IoTeX network, addressing the challenges faced by DePIN startups and driving the next phase of growth for decentralized physical infrastructure networks. With its innovative modular infrastructure, comprehensive tokenomics, and commitment to public goods, IoTeX 2.0 is poised to lead the DePIN movement and empower builders worldwide. Are you an IoTeX developer? offers IoTeX RPC at

· 6 min read
Jack Sim

Recently Iotex and partnered together to bring the revolutionary experience to IoT developers. We committed to this mission seriously, and today we want to share 2 exciting updates with ecosystem. teams up with IoTeX to simplify decentralized IoT Application

IoTeX Delegate

We believe staking is one of most important things for blockchain, because it helps to ensure the integrity of the network by incentivizing participants to act in the best interest of the network.

One of the key benefits of staking is that it makes it more difficult and expensive for bad actors to attack the network. If a participant attempts to validate fraudulent transactions, they risk losing their staked cryptocurrency, as well as any rewards they have earned. This serves as a powerful deterrent to malicious behavior, as it aligns the incentives of participants with the overall health and security of the network.

Now joined IoTeX delegate program, and we have our running delegate! is our delegate profile. This is our reward plan:

  • Hermes will distribute 88% of the rewards to you automatically. Payout frequency is every day at midnight (UTC time).
  • We take 12% to cover the server and development costs for our collaboration with IoTeX.

Please vote for today! Your support is critical for us to continuously build in the IoTeX ecosystem! joined IoTeX delegate program

RPC Serivce's mission is to empower dApps, and we decided to bring this to IoT territory. In additon to the delegate program, we also suported JSON-RPC service for IoTeX. Therefore, if you're a dApp developer on IoTeX blockchain, you no longer need to setup your own IoTeX full node, and just sign up with us to start interacting with IoTeX blockchain from free. supports IoTeX Mainnet JSON-RPC

Why JSON-RPC first?

IoTeX blockchain provides 2 types of RPC endpoints: gRPC and JSON-RPC, and we choose to support JSON-RPC first because:

  • This RPC type could easily integrate with MetaMask for wallet service.
  • It's the RPC type of Ethereum blockchain and its L2 blockchains. It will be easier for an Ethereum developer to migrate to IoTeX.


There are some other deep thinking about gRPC and JSON-RPC. Please let us know your thoughts about whether you want gRPC.



  • High performance: gRPC is based on the high-performance, low-latency protocol called HTTP/2, which allows for efficient multiplexing of requests and responses over a single TCP connection. This can lead to faster response times and lower network overhead compared to traditional REST APIs that use HTTP/1.1.
  • Efficient data serialization: gRPC uses Protocol Buffers as its default data serialization format, which is more compact and efficient than JSON or XML. This can reduce the amount of network bandwidth and CPU time required to serialize and deserialize data.
  • Language-agnostic: gRPC supports a wide range of programming languages, including Java, Python, C++, and many more, making it a good choice for heterogeneous systems.
  • Built-in support for streaming: gRPC supports both server-side and bidirectional streaming, which can be useful for real-time applications or long-running processes that need to exchange data in real-time.


  • More complex setup: gRPC requires a more complex setup compared to JSON-RPC, especially if you're using it with non-standard protocols like HTTP/2 or TLS.
  • Less readable format: While Protocol Buffers are more compact and efficient, they are also less human-readable than JSON, which can make debugging more difficult.
  • Higher learning curve: gRPC uses a different programming paradigm compared to traditional REST APIs, which can make it more challenging for developers to learn and adopt.



  • Simplicity: JSON-RPC is a simple, lightweight protocol that is easy to learn and use. It can be a good choice for small-to-medium-sized applications or simple microservices.
  • Human-readable format: JSON is a human-readable format that is easy to read and debug, which can be helpful for developers.
  • Flexible: JSON-RPC is a flexible protocol that can be used over a variety of transport protocols, including HTTP, TCP, and WebSockets.
  • Language-agnostic: Like gRPC, JSON-RPC is also language-agnostic and can be used with a wide range of programming languages.


  • Lower performance: JSON-RPC uses JSON as its default data serialization format, which can be less efficient in terms of network bandwidth and CPU time compared to Protocol Buffers or other binary formats.
  • Limited support for streaming: JSON-RPC supports only one-way streaming, which may not be sufficient for some real-time applications or long-running processes.
  • No built-in support for service discovery or load balancing: JSON-RPC doesn't provide built-in support for service discovery or load balancing, which means you may need to implement these features yourself.

What is IoTeX?

IoTeX is an open-source platform founded in 2017 with a vision of blockchain for the Internet of Trusted Things. The platform enables various machines and people to interact securely and trustingly with each other. In doing so, IoTeX ensures that everyday people and businesses own their devices and the data/value they generate from them. By connecting physical and digital worlds, IoTeX aims to democratize access to machine-backed DApps, assets, and services while delivering value to users and fueling the new machine economy.

What is is a service infra for the developer’s next billion web3 customers. It strives to provide developers with all they need to create powerful applications quickly and scale faster. We have operated Aptos public full node since day 1 of its mainnet launch. We serve managed RPC services to 400+ clients (Scalp Empire NFT Analytics, HoustonSwap, Solaland NFT Toolkit, Fewcha Wallet, etc.) in the ecosystem with zero downtime. We are on our way to becoming a validator for Aptos, Sui, Shentu, and EthStorage.

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