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· 3 min read
Dora Noda

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain, venture capital plays a crucial role. Yet, beneath the surface of sophisticated analysis lies a straightforward goal: selling tokens. Unfortunately, many VCs, especially newcomers, fail to turn a profit due to a lack of deep industry knowledge. Their primary function often boils down to promoting and supporting their investments through various channels.

The Performance of Liquid Funds

Currently, liquid funds are underperforming compared to Bitcoin (BTC). Historically, they were profitable, but so were individual investors. Liquid fund investors typically already have BTC exposure, forcing these funds to invest in non-BTC assets, which frequently struggle to outperform BTC. If a fund can't beat BTC, it doesn't add value.

Advanced Blockchain Literacy

Influencers (KOLs)

Never take influencer content at face value. Their statements often generate noise and serve as tools to gauge project funding and their network. When someone promotes a project, it’s usually because they have financial stakes. Disregard profit and loss screenshots and retrospective analyses. Genuine wealth is often understated, and the most seemingly affluent may not be as wealthy as they appear.

Centralized Exchanges

Inherently distrust centralized exchanges. Avoid using them for contract trading. They can serve as cross-chain bridges or platforms for buying spot currencies, but always be ready to withdraw funds at the slightest hint of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). Using a centralized exchange can be a good career start, providing passive information intake, but success depends on your ability to leverage this information.

Evaluating Blockchain Projects

Treat statements from project teams with skepticism. Announcements of partnerships often signify minimal progress. Focus on the tangible actions of the project team and evaluate how their work accelerates the value chain. If the outcomes positively influence public perception of token value, the project is worth considering. Be wary of projects with past ethical breaches—they are likely to repeat such behavior.

Marketing in Blockchain

Most project teams lack effective marketing strategies. It's challenging to quantify marketing success, and metrics often involve inflated figures. Basic marketing budgets are best converted into influencer rounds. Other marketing expenses are less effective than direct market actions like price boosts.

Individual Investment Approach

For VC-backed tokens, avoid promoting them publicly but feel free to share sincere insights. For community-driven tokens, engage in community building and advocacy. Trust on-chain data and genuine buy orders. Encourage any form of investor rights protection unless you have conflicting interests. Publicly documenting your learning journey and successes can build trust and credibility.

Key Takeaways

Navigating the blockchain industry requires skepticism, strategic thinking, and a reliance on verifiable data. Trust actions over words, and always prioritize projects and funds that demonstrate real, measurable progress.

· 4 min read
Dora Noda

Decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN) is emerging as a transformative force in the Web3 landscape, offering a new paradigm for building, operating, and managing physical infrastructure networks. However, many DePIN startups face significant challenges due to a lack of funds and technical competence. IoTeX 2.0 aims to address these challenges with a suite of innovations designed to support the DePIN community in realizing the vision of "DePIN for Everyone!".

Core Innovations of IoTeX 2.0

  1. Tokenomic Design:

    • A comprehensive utility for IOTX tokens within the modular DePIN infrastructure.
    • Inflationary staking rewards, deflationary burning mechanisms, and growth incentives to maintain a balanced token supply.
  2. Modular DePIN Infrastructure:

    • Modular Security Pool (MSP): Provides a unified trusted layer for DePIN infrastructure modules through restaking.
    • W3bstream: A decentralized multi-prover network for DePIN verification, supporting various validity proof approaches.
    • ioID: A unified identity system managing and securing machine-to-machine and machine-to-person relationships.
    • ioConnect: A universal embedded SDK empowering device abstraction and facilitating smart device interaction.
    • ioDDK: A chain SDK allowing DePIN projects to provision self-sovereign application chains, inheriting IoTeX L1 security.
  3. Public Goods:

    • Tools like DePINScan and DePIN Liquidity Hub to support awareness, usability, and liquidity for DePIN projects.

The Importance of DePIN

DePIN aims to disrupt traditional industries and public utilities, which are often monopolies controlled by centralized corporations and governments. By leveraging blockchain technology, DePIN can bring transparency, trust, and innovation to physical infrastructure and public utilities. This new model allows people to contribute to and build equity in real-world infrastructure networks, overcoming financial and logistical barriers to entry.

The DePIN Landscape

DePIN is a collective effort of numerous projects across the globe, focusing on decentralizing and improving physical infrastructure. The DePIN sector includes:

  • Physical Resource Networks: Produce non-fungible resources relying on location-dependent hardware.
  • Digital Resource Networks: Produce marketplaces for fungible resources, relying on location-agnostic hardware.
  • Infrastructure and Tooling: Facilitate growth and provide off-the-shelf capabilities for DePIN applications.

The DePIN Tech Stack and Its Challenges

The DePIN tech stack requires an end-to-end architecture connecting the real world to the blockchain. This includes layers like hardware abstraction, connectivity, sequencer, data availability, long-term storage, off-chain computing, blockchain, identity, and governance. Developing this complex stack presents high barriers to entry, particularly for emerging markets.

IoTeX 2.0: A Modular Approach

IoTeX 2.0 introduces a modular infrastructure, allowing DePIN projects to construct a tech stack that suits their specific needs. This approach supports both large and small teams by providing comprehensive and purpose-built solutions. Key components include:

  • Modular Security Pool (MSP): Ensures unified and end-to-end trust across DIMs, leveraging staked assets from well-established blockchains.
  • W3bstream: Facilitates decentralized off-chain computing with multiple provers, enhancing the scalability and efficiency of DePIN applications.
  • ioID and ioConnect: Simplify identity management and hardware abstraction, respectively, enabling seamless integration of smart devices into DePIN projects.
  • ioDDK: Supports the launch of self-sovereign L2 blockchains, expanding the capabilities of DePIN projects.

Future Outlook

IoTeX 2.0 aims to create a new world where physical infrastructure networks are decentralized, transparent, and equitable. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like zero-knowledge proofs, AI, and blockchain, IoTeX 2.0 envisions a future where smart devices, autonomous systems, and digital resource marketplaces operate seamlessly and securely. This vision empowers everyday people to contribute to and benefit from the modernization of global infrastructure, ensuring "DePIN for Everyone!".


IoTeX 2.0 is a significant milestone in the evolution of the IoTeX network, addressing the challenges faced by DePIN startups and driving the next phase of growth for decentralized physical infrastructure networks. With its innovative modular infrastructure, comprehensive tokenomics, and commitment to public goods, IoTeX 2.0 is poised to lead the DePIN movement and empower builders worldwide. Are you an IoTeX developer? offers IoTeX RPC at

· 3 min read
Dora Noda is thrilled to announce the winners of the Sui Overflow Hackathon! After weeks of innovative coding, intense competition, and creative problem-solving, we are proud to present the projects that stood out the most. Congratulations to all the participants for their outstanding contributions. Here are the top winners:

1st Prize ($1,500 in SUI): Orbital

Project Links:

Orbital is a cutting-edge cross-chain lending platform that leverages wormhole technology and Supra Oracles to revolutionize decentralized finance (DeFi). By enabling seamless and secure lending and borrowing across multiple blockchain networks like SUI and Avalanche, Orbital maximizes liquidity and capital efficiency. The integration of Supra Oracles ensures accurate, real-time data for price feeds and interest rates.

Designed to feel like a DEX that many blockchain users are accustomed to, Orbital simplifies the user experience with a unified interface where users can manage all transactions from a single dashboard. This intuitive design makes it just one-click to borrow, transforming the traditional DeFi landscape.

2nd Prize ($1,000 in SUI): Liquidity Garden

Project Link:

Liquidity Garden is an innovative farm simulation game where players build and manage their own farm garden. Players stake liquidity from FlowX DEX to buy NFT seeds, water them daily, and watch as dynamic NFTs grow and release $OXYGEN tokens. With additional features like raising pets and integrating token swaps directly in the game, Liquidity Garden provides a unique blend of gaming and DeFi, encouraging continuous engagement and interaction.

3rd Prize ($100 in SUI): BioWallet, Cocktail OTC Market, SharkyTheSuiBot, Zomdev


Project Links:

BioWallet transforms devices into secure hardware wallets by leveraging biometric-based onboarding. This innovative digital wallet eliminates the need for traditional seed phrases, storing private keys securely in the Secure Enclave. With advanced features like MultiSig and WebAuthn, BioWallet offers top-notch protection and flexibility, bridging the gap between traditional browser wallets and hardware wallets.

Cocktail OTC Market

Project Links:

Cocktail OTC Market provides a seamless platform for token transactions without the need for a centralized exchange. Sellers can list their tokens with flexible pricing, and buyers can browse and purchase tokens easily. Managed by Sui contracts, Cocktail OTC Market ensures secure and transparent transactions, making it a reliable solution for token trading.


Project Links:

SharkyTheSuiBot is the fastest SUI Telegram bot designed to find and exploit arbitrage opportunities across different SUI DEXs. It performs trading activities based on script-logic strategies, offers real-time price fetching, and enables users to provide liquidity in pools directly from the bot. With advanced features like flash loans and real-time charts, SharkyTheSuiBot enhances the user trading experience.


Project Links:

Zomdev is a developer bounty system where companies post bounties for GitHub issues or talent acquisition, and developers can claim these bounties based on project submissions. This platform facilitates a dynamic interaction between companies seeking development assistance and developers looking for opportunities to earn and showcase their skills.

Final Words

Congratulations to all the winners and participants! Your innovative solutions and creative ideas have made this hackathon a remarkable success. We look forward to seeing how these projects evolve and continue to impact the blockchain and DeFi landscape.

Stay tuned for more updates and future hackathons from!

· 5 min read
Dora Noda

Telegram, a popular cross-platform IM tool, created by Pavel Durov, launched TON (Telegram Open Network) in 2013. With 1.8 billion users and 70 billion daily messages, TON has raised $850 million through ICO for its development. This blog delves into TON’s unique technical features and services.

Chain Specs

TON (Telegram Open Network), as outlined in its whitepaper, classifies all public blockchains along five dimensions:

  • Single-chain vs. multi-chain
  • Smart contract support
  • Consensus mechanism
  • Sharding support
  • Chain interconnectivity

Multi-Chain Blockchain System

TON is not a single-chain blockchain but a collection of multiple blockchains, including Masterchain, Workchains, and Shardchains.

  • Masterchain: The core of TON’s blockchain system, storing essential information and parameters. It records validators, their token holdings, active Workchains, and Shardchains. The Masterchain contains the latest block hashes of all Workchains and Shardchains, ensuring overall coordination and security.
  • Workchains: Up to 2^32 Workchains can exist, each handling fund transfers and smart contract interactions. Workchains can have different rules, such as account address formats, transaction formats, smart contract types, and virtual machines. Despite their differences, they must adhere to interoperability standards to enable smooth interaction.
  • Shardchains: These are subdivisions of Workchains, designed to improve processing efficiency by distributing tasks among multiple Shardchains. Shardchains follow the rules of their respective Workchains and automatically split or merge based on load, ensuring scalability and performance optimization.

TON Virtual Machine (TVM)

TVM is a program execution environment running on the blockchain, primarily for executing smart contracts. In TVM, everything is built out of cells and there is TVM that is instantiated for each contract every time.

  • Data Storage: TVM stores data in cells, each containing up to 128 bytes and references to other cells. This structure allows flexible data handling.
  • Data Handling: TVM can manage various data types, using a stack-based structure for efficient computation.
  • Built-in Functions: TVM includes tools like hash tables, encryption (elliptic curves), hash functions (e.g., SHA256), and Merkle proof mechanisms, ensuring data security and integrity.
  • Large Smart Contract Support: TVM can handle complex and large smart contracts, accommodating dynamic sharding.
  • Programming Languages: TVM supports FunC, Fift, and Tact, each tailored for different needs.
  • Additional Features: TVM supports closures and efficiently executes complex tasks.

Infinite Dynamic Sharding

Unlike traditional top-down sharding, TON employs a bottom-up approach. It envisions extreme sharding, where each shard is an account chain. These account chains form larger Shardchains, which connect to the Masterchain, creating a scalable and flexible system.

TON’s dynamic sharding adjusts shard numbers based on load. If a shard’s load is high, it splits; if low, it merges. This dynamic adjustment ensures load balancing, performance optimization, and resource utilization.

BFT PoS Consensus Mechanism

TON uses a BFT PoS consensus mechanism, combining Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) and Proof of Stake (PoS).

  • BFT: An algorithm handling Byzantine faults, ensuring system consistency despite up to one-third of nodes failing.
  • PoS: Nodes with more tokens have a higher chance of validating transactions and generating blocks, incentivizing security.

Roles in TON’s PoS Mechanism:

  • Validators: Nodes maintaining network security and validating transactions by staking 300,000 TON tokens.
  • Nominators: Entities providing stake to validators, sharing in the rewards if the validator performs well.

Tight-Coupling Chain Interactivity

TON’s tightly-coupled system ensures fast message passing and consistency across all blockchains. Features like embedding Shardchain block hashes in Masterchain blocks and using vertical blockchains for error correction help achieve this.

Vertical Blockchain Mechanism: When an invalid block is detected, a corrected block is added vertically, preserving valid parts and reducing disruption.

Hypercube Routing: Messages traverse a hypercube network, ensuring accurate and swift delivery across Shardchains.

TON Services

TON DNS: Provides name mapping for blockchain accounts, smart contracts, and services, making DApp usage as convenient as traditional internet domains.

TON Proxy: An anonymous network proxy service that hides TON node IP addresses, similar to I2P, creating a decentralized VPN service.

TON Storage: A distributed storage system akin to IPFS, using P2P networks for file storage. It supports complex DApp storage needs, such as video streaming.

TON Pay: Integrated micropayment channels for instant off-chain transactions, ensuring secure and efficient payments for all DApps on TON.

Token Economy

TON’s token, Gram, has a total supply of 5 billion, with a portion mined and a fraction allocated to reward DApp developers. A unique pricing mechanism prevents volatility, maintaining economic stability and fostering a sustainable ecosystem.


  • TVL: $705M
  • Daily Active Wallets: 320K
  • Daily Tx: 4.2M


TON offers a full-featured blockchain operating system, aiming to surpass platforms like Ethereum and EOS. Its innovative design and comprehensive services make it a formidable player in the blockchain arena. Join the revolution with, where we provide cutting-edge solutions for content creators and developers alike.

· 5 min read
Dora Noda, known for its Remote Procedure Call (RPC) infrastructure, is expanding into AI inference services. This evolution leverages its open-source, permissionless design to create a marketplace where model researchers, hardware operators, API providers, and users interact seamlessly. The network's Relay Mining algorithm ensures a transparent and verifiable service, presenting a unique opportunity for large model AI researchers to monetize their work without infrastructure maintenance.

The Core Problem

The AI landscape faces significant challenges, including:

  • Restricted Model-Serving Environments: Resource-intensive infrastructure limits AI researchers' ability to experiment with various models.
  • Unsustainable Business Models for Open Source Innovation: Independent engineers struggle to monetize their work, relying on major infrastructure providers.
  • Unequal Market Access: Enterprise-grade models dominate, leaving mid-tier models and users underserved.’s Unique Value Proposition addresses these issues by decoupling the infrastructure layer from the product and services layer, ensuring an open and decentralized framework. This setup enables high-quality service delivery and aligns incentives among all network participants.

Key benefits include:

  • Established Network: Utilizing an existing network of's services to streamline model access and service quality.
  • Separation of Concerns: Each stakeholder focuses on their strengths, improving overall ecosystem efficiency.
  • Incentive Alignment: Cryptographic proofs and performance measurements drive competition and transparency.
  • Permissionless Models & Supply: An open marketplace for cost-effective hardware supply.

Decentralized AI Inference Stakeholders

Model Providers: Coordinators

Coordinators manage the product and services layer, optimizing service quality and providing seamless access for applications. Coordinators discreetly ensure supplier integrity by posing as regular users, offering unbiased performance assessments.

Model Users: Applications

Applications typically use first-party coordinators but can also access the network with a third-party for enhanced privacy and cost savings. Direct access allows for diverse use case experimentation and eliminates intermediary costs.

Model Suppliers: Hardware Operators

Suppliers run inference nodes to earn tokens. Their competencies in DevOps, hardware maintenance, and logging are crucial for network growth. The permissionless approach encourages participation from various hardware providers, including those with idle or dormant resources.

Model Sources: Engineers & Researchers

Researchers and institutions that open-source models can earn revenue based on usage. This model incentivizes innovation without the need for infrastructure maintenance, providing a sustainable business model for open-source contributors.

Working with Cuckoo Network collaborates with Cuckoo Network to revolutionize AI inference through a decentralized and permissionless infrastructure. This partnership focuses on leveraging both platforms' strengths to create a seamless and efficient ecosystem for AI model deployment and monetization.

Key Collaboration Areas

  • Infrastructure Integration: Combining's robust RPC infrastructure with Cuckoo Network's decentralized model-serving capabilities to offer a scalable and resilient AI inference service.
  • Model Distribution: Facilitating the distribution of open-source AI models across the network, enabling researchers to reach a broader audience and monetize their innovations without the need for extensive infrastructure.
  • Quality Assurance: Implementing mechanisms for continuous monitoring and assessment of model performance and supplier integrity, ensuring high-quality service delivery and reliability.
  • Economic Incentives: Aligning economic incentives across all stakeholders through cryptographic proofs and performance-based rewards, fostering a competitive and transparent marketplace.
  • Privacy and Security: Enhancing privacy-preserving operations and secure model inference through advanced technologies like Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) and decentralized data storage solutions.
  • Community and Support: Building a supportive community for AI researchers and developers, providing resources, guidance, and incentives to drive innovation and adoption within the decentralized AI ecosystem.

By partnering with Cuckoo Network, aims to create a holistic and decentralized approach to AI inference, empowering researchers, developers, and users with a robust, transparent, and efficient platform for AI model deployment and utilization. You can now try decentralized text-to-image API at

Input/Output of a Decentralized Inference Network

LLM Inputs to Cuckoo Network:

  • Open-source models
  • Demand from end-users or Applications
  • Aggregated supply from commodity hardware
  • Quality of service guarantees

LLM Outputs from Cuckoo Network:

  • No downtime
  • Seamless model experimentation
  • Public model evaluation
  • Privacy-preserving operations
  • Censorship-free models

Web3 Ecosystem Integrations's RPC protocol can integrate with other Web3 protocols to enhance Decentralized AI (DecAI):

Data & Storage Networks: Seamless integration with decentralized storage solutions like Filecoin/IPFS and Arweave for model storage and data integrity.

Compute Networks: Complementary services leveraging decentralized computing layers like Akash and Render, supporting both dedicated and idle hardware.

Inference Networks: Flexible deployment models and robust ecosystems supporting diverse inference tasks.

Applications: AI agents, consumer apps, and IoT devices benefit from DecAI inference for personalized services, data privacy, and edge decision-making.

Summary's established infrastructure and economic design unlock new opportunities for open-source AI. By providing a decentralized and verifiable service, it bridges the gap between open-source AI and Web3, enabling innovative, sustainable, and reliable services. This approach allows for greater model diversity, better market access for SMEs, and a new business model for open-source researchers. Future developments will continue to expand the ecosystem, ensuring remains a robust and adaptable solution in the evolving AI and blockchain landscapes.

· 2 min read
Dora Noda is excited to announce our Ecosystem Project Prize for participants in the Sui Overflow hackathon during April 21 - June 15, 2024. We're offering a total prize pool of $5000 in Sui for innovative projects that utilize our RPC and Indexer services.

Join the Sui Overflow Hackathon and Win $5000 in Sui with!

How to Participate

  1. Register for Sui Overflow: Ensure you're signed up for the Sui Overflow hackathon.
  2. Integrate Use our RPC and Indexer services in your project.
  3. Submit Your Project: Complete your project and submit it by the hackathon deadline.

Prize Distribution

  • 1st Place: $1500 in Sui (x 1 winner)
  • 2nd Place: $1000 in Sui (x 2 winners)
  • 3rd Place: $100 in Sui (x 15 winners)

$5000 in total for 18 winners, distributed in SUI.

Judging Criteria

  • Innovation: How creatively you use services.
  • Impact: Potential impact on the Sui ecosystem.
  • Functionality: The project’s technical performance.


  • Reliable RPC services
  • Comprehensive Indexer solutions
  • Seamless integration

Get Started

  1. Visit Sign up and access our services at and then create your API access key.
  2. Explore Our Documentation: Detailed guides to help you integrate
  3. Join the Hackathon: Start building and bring your ideas to life.

Make your mark in the Sui ecosystem with!

Contact Us

Connect with our team for support and to share your innovative ideas:

😆 Happy hacking!

· 3 min read
Dora Noda is renowned for enhancing blockchain decentralization, interoperability and asset utility. The partnership with Cuckoo Network extends BlockEden’s influence into the decentralized AI sector, leveraging our blockchain expertise to support Cuckoo’s AI-driven ecosystem.

Cuckoo Network introduces a decentralized framework for AI development, addressing key challenges like privacy, censorship, and computational accuracy. By integrating AI with blockchain technology, Cuckoo enables a more robust and user-governed AI infrastructure.

Strategic Synergies

The collaboration between and Cuckoo Network focuses on several strategic areas:

Technology Integration will utilize its blockchain infrastructure to enhance the security and efficiency of Cuckoo’s decentralized AI tasks. This involves providing high-performance node operations that support the Cuckoo ecosystem, ensuring reliable and continuous AI task processing and validation.

Validator Role and Network Security

Through this partnership, will serve as a validator for the Cuckoo Network, enhancing network security and stability. This role is pivotal in ensuring the integrity and reliability of decentralized AI task processing on Cuckoo’s platform. As a validator, BlockEden will leverage its blockchain expertise to facilitate robust and secure AI operations, benefiting the broader blockchain and AI ecosystems.

Community and Ecosystem Development and Cuckoo Network will jointly work on community engagement initiatives, aiming to foster a collaborative environment for developers, AI enthusiasts, and blockchain advocates. This includes educational programs, joint workshops, and hackathons to encourage innovation and practical solutions in the intersecting fields of AI and blockchain.

Anticipated Outcomes

The partnership is set to deliver significant advancements in how blockchain and AI technologies interact. Key outcomes include:

  • Enhanced Decentralization: By operating nodes across key regions, will help decentralize the Cuckoo AI network, promoting a more resilient and secure ecosystem.
  • Advanced AI Solutions: Leveraging BlockEden’s blockchain expertise, Cuckoo Network will enhance its AI model development, ensuring greater accuracy and privacy in AI operations.
  • Broadened Developer Tools: Together, both entities will develop and provide advanced tools for developers, such as specialized APIs for blockchain and AI interactions, enriching both ecosystems.


The partnership between and Cuckoo Network represents a significant advancement toward a future driven by decentralized technologies in AI and blockchain. This alliance supports our shared vision for a decentralized, secure, and efficient digital future, while establishing a precedent for using blockchain technology to enhance the capabilities and global reach of AI solutions.

Both and Cuckoo Network are excited to explore this collaborative journey, confident that together, we can pave the way for groundbreaking developments in both domains.

· 3 min read
Dora Noda is thrilled to announce our foray into the pioneering BounceBit ecosystem, aiming to contribute significantly as a validator. BounceBit's unique vision of a BTC re-staking infrastructure combined with a dual-token PoS Layer 1 blockchain captures our imagination and aligns perfectly with our commitment to enhancing blockchain interoperability and asset utility. This partnership signifies our venture into facilitating a more inclusive and dynamic blockchain environment, leveraging Bitcoin's robust security in novel ways.

Introducing BounceBit

BounceBit is on a mission to redefine the landscape of Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions by creating a standalone, asset-driven PoS Layer 1 sidechain. This innovative ecosystem requires validators to stake both native BounceBit tokens and BTC, establishing a dual-token security system. It marries the inherent stability and security of Bitcoin with the flexibility and innovation of BounceBit’s native functionalities, creating a symbiotic and resilient blockchain network.

Reimagining Bitcoin's Role in Blockchain

BounceBit's approach diverges from traditional Layer 2 solutions by prioritizing an asset-level integration over protocol-level bindings, enabling a seamless blend of Bitcoin's reliability with EVM compatibility. This creates a fertile ground for interoperability and multi-network yield opportunities for BTC holders, marking a significant advancement in blockchain technology.’s Vision with BounceBit

As we embark on this collaboration, is positioned to harness BounceBit’s infrastructure to offer our sophisticated services, including:

Validator Contribution and Infrastructure Expertise: Our deep-rooted expertise in operating high-performance nodes across various blockchains equips us to contribute effectively as a validator within the BounceBit network. Our infrastructure—comprising both cloud services and bare metal solutions—ensures unparalleled reliability, security, and performance.

Enhancing Blockchain Interoperability: We are eager to explore and contribute to BounceBit’s vision of unifying BTC across multiple chains. By participating in BounceBit's ecosystem, we aim to facilitate the broader use and integration of BTC in DeFi, expanding its utility and enhancing liquidity across the blockchain spectrum.

Supporting BounceBit’s Innovative Ecosystem: plans to engage with BounceBit's ecosystem by leveraging our technical prowess to develop indexing services, data analytics tools, and APIs tailored for BounceBit. This initiative will provide developers with powerful tools to build on the BounceBit platform, enhancing its capabilities and user experience.

Here are examples for data analytics and indexer GraphQL.

A Global Operation for a Decentralized Future: In alignment with BounceBit's global vision, intends to operate nodes across key regions, contributing to the network's geographical diversity and resilience. This global footprint will enhance the decentralization and robustness of the BounceBit network, fostering a more interconnected and secure blockchain ecosystem.


Our partnership with BounceBit is more than just a collaboration; it's a shared vision for a future where Bitcoin’s value is maximized across blockchain networks. By becoming a validator and contributing to the BounceBit ecosystem, is at the forefront of driving innovation, security, and interoperability in the blockchain space.

We are excited to embark on this journey with BounceBit, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the blockchain domain and opening new avenues for Bitcoin’s utility and blockchain interoperability. Together, we are paving the way for a more connected, secure, and innovative blockchain future.

· 3 min read
Dora Noda


In the dynamic realm of blockchain and decentralized technologies, stands as a wave of innovation, security, and community-driven progress for new blockchains. Today, we are glad to announce a new partnership with Koii Network, a visionary platform aimed at decentralizing the power of the internet and returning control to the community. This collaboration is more than a mere alliance; it's a step forward in our commitment to fostering an environment where technology serves the many, not the few. At the Forefront of Blockchain Solutions is renowned for its robust API marketplace, boasting an impressive $50M staked, 47 APIs, and a community of over 6000 developers. Our dedication to high availability, security, and inclusivity has made us a trusted partner for blockchain protocol builders, DApp developers, and token holders alike.

Koii Network: Democratizing the Digital Space

Koii Network's mission to decentralize internet power aligns with our vision of a more equitable digital future. By leveraging edge computing and introducing "Gradual Consensus" through Koii Tasks, Koii offers an environmentally friendly, cost-effective way for individuals to earn income from their computing resources. Their focus on building fast, scalable, and private systems presents an innovative alternative to conventional social media, publishing, and AI systems.

A Partnership for the Future

The partnership between and Koii Network signifies a confluence of shared values and technological synergy. Together, we aim to:

  • Enhance Digital Security and Privacy: By combining our strengths, we can offer more secure and private digital solutions, safeguarding user data and empowering individuals with control over their digital footprint.
  • Foster Innovation and Scalability: This collaboration will accelerate the development of decentralized applications (dApps) that are not only innovative but also scalable and accessible to a broader audience.
  • Support Community-Led Development: We are committed to supporting the community's role in shaping the future of technology. This partnership will provide tools, resources, and a supportive ecosystem for developers and innovators to bring their visions to life.
  • Expand onboarding options and contribute to tooling for Koii node operators: has deep technical experience running nodes for a plethora of blockchain ecosystems, and will bring industry experience to the Koii ecosystem.


As we embark on this journey with Koii Network, remains steadfast in our mission to empower the blockchain space with high-quality, reliable, and inclusive solutions. This partnership is a testament to our belief in collaboration over competition and innovation for the common good. Together, we are paving the way for a future where technology empowers every individual, fostering a more open, fair, and decentralized world.

· 3 min read
Dora Noda

A Meeting of Minds: Supra Oracles and

Supra Oracles has been instrumental in bridging the gap between traditional Web2 technologies and the burgeoning Web3 horizon. By enhancing oracle technology, cross-chain communication, and consensus mechanisms, Supra is facilitating a seamless transition to a more decentralized and secure digital future. Their Distributed Oracle Agreements (DORA) Protocol ensures that data is sourced, verified, and recorded on blockchains with unmatched accuracy and integrity. emerges as a pioneering API marketplace, distinguished by our unwavering commitment to high availability, comprehensive API offerings, and fortified security measures. Our platform boasts a robust infrastructure with $50M staked, 47 APIs, and a vibrant community of over 6000 developers, all underpinned by a 99.9% overall uptime. We take pride in our inclusive ecosystem, which caters to the diverse needs of blockchain protocol builders, DApp developers, and token holders alike, ensuring a harmonious balance between innovation and security.

What This Partnership Means for Our Customers

Our alliance with Supra Oracles is more than a partnership; it's a synergy of two entities dedicated to enhancing the blockchain space for developers, innovators, and users worldwide. Here's what our users can expect:

  • Enhanced Security and Reliability: The integration of Supra's oracle solutions with's APIs means even more secure and reliable data feeds, critical for the development of decentralized applications that users can trust.

  • Expanded Interoperability: With Supra's focus on cross-chain communication, our customers will benefit from seamless interaction across different blockchain networks, opening up a realm of possibilities for developers to create more versatile and impactful DApps.

  • Innovative Solutions: The combination of Supra's cutting-edge technology, including the dVRF for decentralized randomness, with's comprehensive API offerings, sets the stage for innovative applications that push the boundaries of what's possible in the Web3 space.

  • Community and Support: Both and Supra Oracles are deeply committed to their communities, offering resources, support, and education to empower users and developers alike. This partnership amplifies our collective ability to serve our community, fostering growth and innovation within the ecosystem.

In closing, the collaboration between and Supra Oracles is a testament to our shared vision of a decentralized future, built on the pillars of security, interoperability, and community. We are excited about the opportunities this partnership will unlock for our users and the broader blockchain community, as we continue to navigate the promising yet uncharted territories of Web3 together.