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Creating and Using a Publisher Object for Ownership Verification

In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a Publisher object and utilize it to prove ownership of a type in a package. The Publisher object is a utility that represents the publisher authority and allows checking whether a type belongs to a specific module or package. It is crucial for setting the "Display" and trading types in the "Kiosk" ecosystem.

We will follow these steps:

  1. Create a One-Time-Witness (OTW): To set up a Publisher, an OTW is required. It ensures that the Publisher object is initialized only once for a specific module and that the creation function is called in the publish transaction.
struct OWNER has drop {}
  1. Define a module to claim a Publisher object: Create a module that defines an OTW and claims a Publisher object for the sender. After the module is published, the sender will receive a Publisher object, which can be used to set Display or manage transfer policies in the Kiosk system.
module examples::owner {
use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
use sui::package;

// OTW and other types...

fun init(otw: OWNER, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
package::claim_and_keep(otw, ctx)
  1. Create a TypeOwnerCap struct: Define a struct that represents a capability granted to those who want an "objective" confirmation of their ownership. It will have a UID (unique identifier) as a field.
struct TypeOwnerCap<phantom T> has key, store {
id: UID
  1. Implement the prove_ownership function: Create a module that utilizes the Publisher object to give a token of appreciation and a TypeOwnerCap for the owned type. Use the Publisher object to check if the caller owns the type T.
module examples::type_owner {
// Import necessary modules...

// Define constants, structs, and other types...

public fun prove_ownership<T>(
publisher: &Publisher, ctx: &mut TxContext
): TypeOwnerCap<T> {
assert!(package::from_package<T>(publisher), ENotOwner);
TypeOwnerCap<T> { id: object::new(ctx) }

By following this tutorial, you can create a Publisher object and utilize it to prove ownership of a type in a package. This functionality is essential for managing object displays and trading types in the Kiosk ecosystem.

Finally, we will get

/// A simple package that defines an OTW and claims a `Publisher`
/// object for the sender.
module examples::owner {
use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
use sui::package;

/// OTW is a struct with only `drop` and is named
/// after the module - but uppercased. See "One Time
/// Witness" page for more details.
struct OWNER has drop {}

/// Some other type to use in a dummy check
struct ThisType {}

/// After the module is published, the sender will receive
/// a `Publisher` object. Which can be used to set Display
/// or manage the transfer policies in the `Kiosk` system.
fun init(otw: OWNER, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
package::claim_and_keep(otw, ctx)

/// A module that utilizes the `Publisher` object to give a token
/// of appreciation and a `TypeOwnerCap` for the owned type.
module examples::type_owner {
use sui::object::{Self, UID};
use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
use sui::package::{Self, Publisher};

/// Trying to claim ownership of a type with a wrong `Publisher`.
const ENotOwner: u64 = 0;

/// A capability granted to those who want an "objective"
/// confirmation of their ownership :)
struct TypeOwnerCap<phantom T> has key, store {
id: UID

/// Uses the `Publisher` object to check if the caller owns the type `T`.
public fun prove_ownership<T>(
publisher: &Publisher, ctx: &mut TxContext
): TypeOwnerCap<T> {
assert!(package::from_package<T>(publisher), ENotOwner);
TypeOwnerCap<T> { id: object::new(ctx) }