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13 posts tagged with "Sui"

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· 3 min read
Dora Noda is thrilled to announce the winners of the Sui Overflow Hackathon! After weeks of innovative coding, intense competition, and creative problem-solving, we are proud to present the projects that stood out the most. Congratulations to all the participants for their outstanding contributions. Here are the top winners:

1st Prize ($1,500 in SUI): Orbital

Project Links:

Orbital is a cutting-edge cross-chain lending platform that leverages wormhole technology and Supra Oracles to revolutionize decentralized finance (DeFi). By enabling seamless and secure lending and borrowing across multiple blockchain networks like SUI and Avalanche, Orbital maximizes liquidity and capital efficiency. The integration of Supra Oracles ensures accurate, real-time data for price feeds and interest rates.

Designed to feel like a DEX that many blockchain users are accustomed to, Orbital simplifies the user experience with a unified interface where users can manage all transactions from a single dashboard. This intuitive design makes it just one-click to borrow, transforming the traditional DeFi landscape.

2nd Prize ($1,000 in SUI): Liquidity Garden

Project Link:

Liquidity Garden is an innovative farm simulation game where players build and manage their own farm garden. Players stake liquidity from FlowX DEX to buy NFT seeds, water them daily, and watch as dynamic NFTs grow and release $OXYGEN tokens. With additional features like raising pets and integrating token swaps directly in the game, Liquidity Garden provides a unique blend of gaming and DeFi, encouraging continuous engagement and interaction.

3rd Prize ($100 in SUI): BioWallet, Cocktail OTC Market, SharkyTheSuiBot, Zomdev


Project Links:

BioWallet transforms devices into secure hardware wallets by leveraging biometric-based onboarding. This innovative digital wallet eliminates the need for traditional seed phrases, storing private keys securely in the Secure Enclave. With advanced features like MultiSig and WebAuthn, BioWallet offers top-notch protection and flexibility, bridging the gap between traditional browser wallets and hardware wallets.

Cocktail OTC Market

Project Links:

Cocktail OTC Market provides a seamless platform for token transactions without the need for a centralized exchange. Sellers can list their tokens with flexible pricing, and buyers can browse and purchase tokens easily. Managed by Sui contracts, Cocktail OTC Market ensures secure and transparent transactions, making it a reliable solution for token trading.


Project Links:

SharkyTheSuiBot is the fastest SUI Telegram bot designed to find and exploit arbitrage opportunities across different SUI DEXs. It performs trading activities based on script-logic strategies, offers real-time price fetching, and enables users to provide liquidity in pools directly from the bot. With advanced features like flash loans and real-time charts, SharkyTheSuiBot enhances the user trading experience.


Project Links:

Zomdev is a developer bounty system where companies post bounties for GitHub issues or talent acquisition, and developers can claim these bounties based on project submissions. This platform facilitates a dynamic interaction between companies seeking development assistance and developers looking for opportunities to earn and showcase their skills.

Final Words

Congratulations to all the winners and participants! Your innovative solutions and creative ideas have made this hackathon a remarkable success. We look forward to seeing how these projects evolve and continue to impact the blockchain and DeFi landscape.

Stay tuned for more updates and future hackathons from!

· 2 min read
Dora Noda is excited to announce our Ecosystem Project Prize for participants in the Sui Overflow hackathon during April 21 - June 15, 2024. We're offering a total prize pool of $5000 in Sui for innovative projects that utilize our RPC and Indexer services.

Join the Sui Overflow Hackathon and Win $5000 in Sui with!

How to Participate

  1. Register for Sui Overflow: Ensure you're signed up for the Sui Overflow hackathon.
  2. Integrate Use our RPC and Indexer services in your project.
  3. Submit Your Project: Complete your project and submit it by the hackathon deadline.

Prize Distribution

  • 1st Place: $1500 in Sui (x 1 winner)
  • 2nd Place: $1000 in Sui (x 2 winners)
  • 3rd Place: $100 in Sui (x 15 winners)

$5000 in total for 18 winners, distributed in SUI.

Judging Criteria

  • Innovation: How creatively you use services.
  • Impact: Potential impact on the Sui ecosystem.
  • Functionality: The project’s technical performance.


  • Reliable RPC services
  • Comprehensive Indexer solutions
  • Seamless integration

Get Started

  1. Visit Sign up and access our services at and then create your API access key.
  2. Explore Our Documentation: Detailed guides to help you integrate
  3. Join the Hackathon: Start building and bring your ideas to life.

Make your mark in the Sui ecosystem with!

Contact Us

Connect with our team for support and to share your innovative ideas:

😆 Happy hacking!

· 8 min read
Dora Noda

Earning rewards by staking your SUI with through the Sui Wallet, Martian Wallet, or Suiet! We're excited to announce that SUI staking on Mainnet is finally accessible, providing an opportunity for you to generate passive income from your $SUI by earning staking rewards. This guide will explain, step by step, how to use your preferred Sui wallets: Sui Wallet, Suiet, and Martian Wallet.

Staking SUI with Sui Wallet

First, you'll need to install the Sui Wallet browser extension. Currently, Sui Wallet is available exclusively on Chrome, though future updates may include support for other browsers. If you aren't using Chrome and wish to stake SUI, consider using the other wallets discussed in this guide.

To create your wallet, click on "Get Started", then "Create a New Wallet". If you already have a wallet, you can import it by clicking on "Import an Existing Wallet".

Now you need to set a password. It's recommended to choose a strong password with a minimum of 12 characters, including numbers, letters, and symbols. Also, be sure to write your password down and store it in a safe, offline location. Once you've agreed to the terms and conditions, select "Create Wallet".

Make sure to note down your recovery phrase in a secure place, preferably offline. It's crucial for future access to your SUI.

Staking Your SUI

After your wallet is set up, it's time to stake! On the dashboard, click "Stake & Earn SUI". Choose your desired validator from the list, confirm your selection, and click on the validator.

Next, specify the quantity of SUI you want to stake. Verify all details before clicking "Stake Now".

Upon successful transaction confirmation, your stake will begin to earn rewards from the beginning of the next epoch. There's no need to restake as rewards are automatically compounded.

Unstaking SUI with Sui Wallet

To claim or unstake your SUI, click "Currently Staked". You'll see a list of your validators. From this list, select the validator with whom you'd like to unstake.

Then, click on "Unstake SUI". Verify all details before confirming with "Unstake Now".

Congratulations! You've successfully unstaked your SUI.

Staking SUI with Martian Wallet

Firstly, download the Martian Wallet app and set up your wallet account. Be sure to download the browser extension using the official website’s download button. Once the extension is added to your browser, Martian Wallet will open.

On the "start" screen, click "Create a New Wallet" to initiate the process. If you already have a wallet, select "I already have a Wallet", enter your private phrase, and recover your wallet.

As before, set a secure password of at least 12 characters, mixing numbers, letters, and symbols. After selecting your password and agreeing to the terms and conditions, click "Continue".

Your recovery or seed phrase will be presented next. Remember to securely store this phrase offline and not to share it with anyone. It's vital for future access to your assets.

Staking Your SUI

With your account ready, you can now start staking. In the Martian extension dashboard, click "Stake your SUI". Scroll to find and select your desired validator.

Enter the amount of SUI you want to stake and remember to reserve some SUI for gas fees. The minimum staking amount is 1 SUI. After filling this out, click "Preview".

Finally, verify all the details on the pop-up, including the staked amount and gas fees. If everything is correct, click "Confirm and Stake". A "Success" message should appear shortly, indicating a successful stake. You can now close the window, and your stake will start earning rewards from the next epoch.

Process for Unstaking or Claiming with Martian Wallet

Unstaking your SUI from Martian Wallet is a straightforward process. Begin by navigating to the Home screen and selecting “Stake”. From there, you will be presented with a list of all your staked SUI and their respective epochs on the stake dashboard. Please note that you must unstake all SUI at the same time. Identify the SUI you wish to unstake, click on it, and then select “Unstake”. After a brief wait, your assets will be unstaked, congratulations!

Steps to Stake SUI using Suiet

To start, you need to download the Suiet Wallet extension. This can be done by visiting the official Suiet website, where you should select the download option that best suits your needs. Please exercise caution and ensure you download the wallet from the official Suiet site.

After downloading and installing the extension, you'll need to set it up. To do so, open the extension and click on “Create Wallet”.

The next step is to create a secure password that includes a mix of capital and lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers, with a minimum length of 12 characters. Safely record this password, preferably offline, then proceed to the next step.

You'll then be given a recovery phrase, which is vital for future access to your assets. It is paramount that you keep this phrase confidential and store it in a secure location, preferably offline.

Staking Your SUI

With the preparation complete, it's now time to stake your SUI. Start by going to the dashboard and selecting “SUI”, then choose “Stake”.

On the top of the dashboard, you'll find a list of validators. Select your preferred validator and decide on the amount of SUI you wish to stake. Remember to keep some SUI reserved for gas fees and future transactions. Once everything is in order, confirm the transaction.

Once the transaction is confirmed, your stake will start accruing rewards from the start of the next epoch.

How to Claim or Unstake SUI with Suiet

Claiming your SUI rewards or unstaking your SUI with the Suiet wallet is a straightforward process. Just navigate to your staked assets, click on the one you wish to handle, and select “Unstake”. After a brief wait, you will receive a confirmation of successful unstaking. It's as simple as that!

Staking SUI with Ethos

Similar to the other wallets, you first need to create your wallet to stake SUI with Ethos. Visit the official Ethos Wallet for Sui website to start.

Once the Ethos extension is downloaded and installed, click on “Generate New Wallet” and create a secure password, following the same guidelines as mentioned before. Write down your password securely.

You will then be provided with a recovery or seed phrase. Remember, this phrase is essential for accessing your assets in the future and should not be shared with anyone. Safely store this phrase, preferably offline.

Ethos also gives you the option to customize your wallet with a color and emoji. This step doesn't affect the wallet's security and can be skipped or completed based on personal preference.

Staking Process for SUI with Ethos

For staking on Ethos, select “staking” on the dashboard. From the list of validators, select your desired one and proceed.

Enter the amount of SUI you wish to stake, taking care to reserve some for gas fees and future transactions. Review the transaction details and if everything seems fine, click “Review”, and then “Confirm”. A message stating “Staking Complete!” should appear shortly. Your staked SUI will start earning rewards from the next epoch.

You'll need to wait for an epoch (24 hours) to unstake your SUI. The rewards on SUI are auto-compounded, so you won't have to restake your rewards.

Claiming SUI Rewards with Ethos

To claim your SUI rewards, navigate to "staking" on Ethos's top right menu. This will open up your staking overview where you can see your accumulated rewards.

For unstaking, select the validator you wish to unstake with and click “Unstake SUI”. Confirm your decision and that's it, you've unstaked your SUI.

Remember, staking not only provides rewards but also contributes to the SUI ecosystem and aids in securing the blockchain network.

Closing Remarks

Staking plays a key role in ensuring the sustainability and security of blockchain networks. By staking your digital assets, you help in operating the network and get rewarded for it. For those interested in staking SUI or learning more about this process, you can reach out to through their Website, Twitter, Blog, or join the Discord community.

DISCLAIMER: This article does not provide financial advice. Staking, delegation, and cryptocurrencies involve considerable risk, and there is always the possibility of loss, including the loss of all staked digital assets. Delegators may face the risk of slashing in case of security or liveness faults on certain protocols. It is advised that you do thorough research before choosing a validator.

· 4 min read
Dora Noda

Blockchain technology has emerged as a leading force in the digital world, offering revolutionary solutions that extend beyond cryptocurrency. Programming languages dedicated to blockchain technology are carving a unique space for themselves. Among these languages, Move has secured a significant spot, thanks to its robustness and inherent security features. Today, we will introduce an innovative tutorial called "Sui Move," designed to teach developers the Move programming language using a learn-by-example approach.

Dive into Blockchain Programming with Sui Move

Understanding Move: The Programming Language

Before we jump into the tutorial, let's briefly recap what Move is. Created by Facebook's subsidiary, Diem Association (formerly Libra), Move is a statically-typed, resource-oriented programming language. Its design is centered around enforcing safety and security, making it the ideal language for coding blockchain and cryptocurrency projects. The Sui Move is a variant of the Move programming language.

Resources in Move are a key construct that makes it stand out from other blockchain programming languages. These are special types that can't be copied or discarded, only moved between storage locations. This feature allows for precise control over digital assets and significantly mitigates the risk of common security issues, such as double-spending.

Sui Move: A Learn-by-Example Tutorial

Located at, "Sui Move" is a comprehensive, learn-by-example tutorial designed to teach developers how to code using the Move programming language.

"Sui Move" is constructed on the philosophy that hands-on learning accelerates comprehension and proficiency. The tutorial is divided into small, manageable chunks, each focusing on a specific aspect of Move. This allows learners to not only understand the technicalities of the language but also gain insights into how and where they can be implemented.

"Sui Move" stands out in its approach to teaching. Instead of overwhelming the learner with dense theory, it offers an array of examples for every concept. The learner can directly interact with these examples, providing a dynamic learning environment that encourages exploration and understanding at a deep level.

The tutorial is designed to be accessible for various experience levels. Whether you are a seasoned developer looking to dive into blockchain development or a beginner who's just starting, "Sui Move" is tailored to ensure you grasp and master the concepts effectively.

What You'll Learn

"Sui Move" covers a broad range of topics that form the core of Move programming language. Here's a snapshot of what you can expect:

  • Understanding the syntax and structure of Move.
  • Deep dive into Move's unique resource-oriented model.
  • Manipulating data using Move's functions and methods.
  • Learning to create and implement Modules and Scripts.
  • Handling exceptions and ensuring security in your Move programs.
  • Learning how to create a custom coin and NFT.

Why Choose Sui Move?

"Sui Move" is not just a tutorial; it's a well-structured learning journey. It offers:

  1. Real-world Examples: Every concept is paired with a practical example that demonstrates how to use it effectively.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: It provides a thorough understanding of Move, from basic syntax to advanced constructs.
  3. Step-by-Step Guidance: Every module is designed to gradually build your understanding, reducing the learning curve and making complex concepts easier to grasp.
  4. Flexibility: It caters to a wide range of learners, from beginners to experienced developers.

Blockchain technology is shaping the future of numerous industries, and mastering a language like Move can open new avenues for developers. With "Sui Move," you have a resource that can guide you effectively through your learning journey. So, dive in, start coding, and explore the exciting opportunities that Move and blockchain technology hold for you.

Get started now at

· 3 min read
Dora Noda

We are thrilled to announce that Sui, the highly anticipated blockchain platform, has successfully launched its mainnet. At, we are committed to providing our customers with the most innovative and cutting-edge solutions in the blockchain industry. As a result, we are excited to integrate Sui into our robust API suite, offering developers an even greater range of tools to create groundbreaking applications.

Sui Mainnet Launch: Expands API Suite to Include Next-Generation

Why Sui Matters

Sui is a next-generation blockchain platform designed to address the challenges faced by existing solutions in scalability, interoperability, and energy efficiency. It brings together the best features from various blockchain technologies, offering a more efficient and flexible platform for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. Some key aspects of Sui include:

  1. Scalability: Sui employs a unique consensus algorithm, which allows it to process 297k transactions per second, thus ensuring high throughput and minimal latency. This makes it an ideal choice for building dApps that require fast and secure transactions.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Sui's consensus algorithm also addresses the energy consumption concerns associated with traditional Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanisms. By utilizing a more environmentally friendly approach, Sui contributes to a greener and more sustainable blockchain industry.

What This Means for Users:

As Sui joins our API suite, developers can look forward to:

  1. Access to Sui's Blockchain: Our API will enable developers to easily interact with the Sui blockchain, allowing them to build and deploy smart contracts, create tokens, and develop dApps on this revolutionary platform.
  2. Continued Support: remains committed to providing exceptional customer support, offering guidance and assistance in implementing Sui's technology within your projects.
  3. Stake with and Earn Rewards: By staking your tokens with, you can participate in the Sui ecosystem and earn rewards for contributing to the platform's growth and security.

Getting Started with's Sui RPC Key

If you're ready to start developing on the Sui blockchain using's API suite, follow these simple steps to get your Sui RPC key and kickstart your project:

Step 1: Obtain a Connection String

Visit our API Marketplace at to obtain a connection string. This string will enable you to access the Sui blockchain through our API and begin developing your decentralized application.

Step 2: Develop Your First Sui DApp

To build your first DApp on the Sui platform, follow our comprehensive guide available at This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your development environment, implementing Sui's TypeScript SDK, and creating a fully functional DApp using the Sui blockchain.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to harnessing the power of the Sui blockchain and's API suite to develop innovative and groundbreaking decentralized applications. If you need any assistance, our dedicated support team is always ready to help guide you through the process.

Conclusion is proud to welcome Sui into our growing family of blockchain technologies. By adding Sui to our API suite, we are further expanding the possibilities for developers to create groundbreaking solutions in the blockchain space. As always, we remain dedicated to providing our users with the most innovative and reliable tools to empower their projects and drive the future of decentralized technology.

· 3 min read
Dora Noda

The Sui Foundation recently conducted a series of tests to determine the current peak throughput and time to finality for various workloads on the Sui network. A year after its announcement, the Sui network has made significant strides in performance, becoming a promising decentralized protocol for the future.

Key Findings

  • The Sui network, consisting of 100 globally distributed validators, achieved peak throughput ranging from 10,871 TPS to 297,000 TPS on different workloads.
  • Sui's time to finality is approximately 480 milliseconds, providing rapid transaction confirmations.

Performance Evaluation

To measure the performance of the Sui protocol, the foundation used a globally-distributed setup that closely mirrors the mainnet in terms of hardware configurations, number of validators, geographic distribution, and voting power distribution. The tests were conducted using 100 validators, 24-core AMD hardware, 256GB memory, and 25Gbps NIC.

Measuring Throughput with Programmable Transaction Blocks (PTB)

Sui's core developer primitive, PTB, allows for a complex and composable sequence of transactions. Chained transactions in a PTB can execute and fail atomically, providing increased efficiency and expressivity. Each PTB can support up to 1024 transactions, enabling Sui to handle large workloads and reduce transaction fees for users.

The Challenge of Measuring Throughput

Transactions Per Second (TPS) is a commonly used metric to measure a blockchain protocol's capacity. However, measuring the number of PTBs executed per second doesn't accurately reflect Sui's computational capacity. As the average PTB size increases, Sui's throughput increases, but the PTB/second metric would remain unchanged. Therefore, the foundation has chosen to measure the number of individual transactions within a PTB executed per second as a more consistent and practical metric.

Time to Finality

Finality in blockchain refers to the point where a transaction is considered irrevocable and cannot be modified or reverted. For this performance update, the Time to Finality measures the point in the transaction lifecycle where both the transaction itself and its effects are final and can be used in subsequent transactions. Sui's Time to Finality is approximately 480 milliseconds, with a 95th percentile latency of around 550 milliseconds.

Future Optimization and Scalability

The Sui protocol has made significant progress in its performance, but there are still many opportunities for optimization and scalability. In the near future, the Sui Foundation plans to refine the following aspects:

  • Scalability and coverage of benchmark tooling
  • Horizontal scalability to support intra-validator scaling across multiple machines
  • Resilience to under-performance of individual validators

As the Sui protocol evolves and its performance improves, the Sui Foundation will continue to share updates with the community for feedback and consideration. With its impressive throughput and time to finality, the Sui network is poised to make a significant impact in the world of decentralized systems.

· 3 min read
Dora Noda

The SUI Network is a high-performance public blockchain developed by former Meta engineers. Built with the Move programming language, it prioritizes security, scalability, and upgradability.

What is POAP?

POAP, or Proof-Of-Attendance Protocol, is a mechanism for distributing encrypted badges to record and commemorate specific events. POAP tokens can serve as proof that a user attended an event or as collectible items, similar to concert tickets or commemorative badges.

Event organizers typically use POAP to distribute tokens to participants, who can then collect unique POAP tokens (NFT badges) to remember their attendance at an event.

Introducing SUIA: The First POAP Application on the SUI Network is the first POAP application on the SUI blockchain, currently launched on SUI's devnet. In the future, Suia will have multiple purposes, such as event tickets, contribution awards, and gaming, providing a new immersive, gamified interaction method between web3 brands and users.

What are the features of SUIA?

Anyone can create POAP events on Suia, with all creation and distribution occurring transparently on the SUI blockchain. Users own their Suia assets, and the unique architecture and parallel performance of the SUI blockchain allow Suia to combine and create more gameplay possibilities, accommodating large-scale user participation, low latency, and low fees, facilitating connections with the web2 application market.

How to use SUIA?

  1. Visit the Suia website at, click "connect wallet" to link a wallet, currently supporting Sui wallet and Suiet Wallet.

  2. After connecting the wallet, click "create Suia" to experience creating a POAP NFT distribution event on the SUI blockchain. Follow the prompts to upload the NFT's type, name, description, amount, and whitelist restrictions if needed. Click "create" to complete the process, which requires a small amount of SUI tokens in the devnet environment.

  3. After creating the event, it will appear on the homepage, allowing other users to discover and claim your POAP.


Suia, developed by the Mynft team (creators of the first vote-to-earn web3 platform on the Flow blockchain), has a mature market and development experience, as well as a solid community foundation. Developing Suia on the SUI blockchain leverages the team's NFT expertise while filling the gap in POAP applications.

With a well-developed product and clear roadmap, strong project collaboration, and community management capabilities, Suia has attracted over 6,000 participants on its first day of testing. SUI World DAO will continue to monitor Suia's future collaborations and user growth as the SUI mainnet launches.

· 2 min read
Dora Noda

Sui Blockchain is a promising Layer-1 (L1) project that employs a unique set of technical innovations and tokenomics to deliver a scalable and efficient platform. This article will explore Sui's core innovations and evaluate its potential as a solution for mass adoption of Web 3.0 applications.

Key Innovations

  • Sui Move: A custom version of the Move language optimized for parallel execution, enabling frictionless mass asset creation and a smoother programming experience.
  • Single-Writer Transactions: A novel approach to handling simple transactions without consensus, using Byzantine Consistent Broadcast for security and efficiency.
  • Narwhal-Tusk Consensus Engine: A cutting-edge consensus mechanism using directed acyclic graph (DAG) data structures for high throughput and low latency.
  • Unique Tokenomics: Sui's tokenomics model addresses storage costs on the network by implementing a storage fund, which helps maintain relatively constant gas prices throughout the blockchain's lifetime. This design incentivizes validators and ensures ample storage space is available.


Sui Blockchain stands out with its innovative solutions to scalability, particularly the unlimited upper bound for single-write transactions. This makes it suitable for applications that rely heavily on single-writer transactions, like social media apps and mass NFT distribution.

Sui's scalability solutions unlock the potential for NFTs with low intrinsic value but high social purpose, such as on-chain coupons, decentralized IDs, and credit cards. Furthermore, Sui Move's language features can enable structurally storing objects on a blockchain with the security and permanence guarantees of the blockchain.


Sui Blockchain provides a viable blueprint for an L1 blockchain that can handle Web 2.0 level scalability. It symbolizes Web 3.0's growing maturity and the potential for a billion-user scale. Regardless of its long-term success, Sui's innovative approach to blockchain technology already represents a significant achievement.

· 3 min read
Dora Noda

In the world of blockchain, speed and efficiency are vital for the success of any platform. Enter Sui Blockchain, a platform that promises to deliver low latency transaction processing and smart contract execution.

Sui and

One of the unique features of Sui Blockchain is its ability to distinguish between different kinds of object ownership. Unlike other blockchain platforms where every contract and object is mutably shared, Sui allows an object to be owned by an address and can be mutably owned, immutably owned, or mutably shared. This feature is leveraged for parallel execution of smart contracts and asset management.

Sui uses a decentralized permissionless smart contract platform, biased towards low-latency management of assets. It uses the Move programming language to define assets as objects that may be owned by an address. The platform is maintained by a permissionless set of authorities that play a role similar to validators or miners in other blockchain systems.

To achieve low latency, Sui separates transaction processing into two phases: 1) acquiring distributed locks at the granularity of objects and 2) executing the transaction and committing its effects.

Phase one is performed through a reliable broadcast primitive that requires no global synchronization within the authority, allowing for scalability through sharding. For transactions involving shared objects, sequencing is required using a consensus protocol.

Sui aggressively reduces bottlenecks and points of synchronization requiring global locks within authorities, allowing for quasi-linear scaling with increased resources. The platform also allows for parallel execution of smart contracts, with Move virtual machines on multiple cores or physical machines reading versioned input objects, executing, and writing resulting objects from and to stores.

The consistency requirements on stores for objects and transactions are very loose, allowing scalable distributed key-value stores to be used internally by each authority. Sui uses a Byzantine consistent broadcast protocol between authorities to ensure the safety of common operations on assets, ensuring lower latency and better scalability as compared to Byzantine agreement.

Overall, Sui Blockchain's design choices and optimizations make it a promising platform for applications that require fast and efficient processing of transactions. Its ability to 1) distinguish between different kinds of object ownership, 2) acquiring distributed locks at the granularity of objects, and 3) parallel execution of smart contracts are key features that set it apart from other blockchain platforms. With Sui Blockchain, the future of fast and efficient transaction processing is here.

· 3 min read
Dora Noda

On January 25, the second wave of the Sui testnet went live and it would endure for 2 to 3 weeks. As part of this wave, is helping hundreds of projects test and build on a secure and high-performance Sui network. This latest wave will bring more clarity to developers and users as they get ready for full deployment of the Sui network. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this testnet wave so important.

What is Testnet Wave 2?

Testnet Wave 2 is the second phase of testing for Sui, a blockchain platform that enables developers to easily create decentralized applications (dApps) with smart contracts, deploy them on its public blockchain and leverage its built-in tools to keep their applications secure, fast and reliable. During this phase, hundreds of projects are now able to test and build on the secure, high-performance Sui Network using

Testnet Wave 2 has 39 validators plus 2 Mysten Labs-operated validators, which are geographically distributed. The network's epoch duration is approximately 24 hours based on 28800 checkpoints and its reference gas price fluctuates from epoch to epoch. The network is updated only as necessary and data would only be wiped in required recovery scenarios. Mysten Labs provides incident support, including oncall support and incident management protocol with necessary coordination with selected validators.

How can I connect to Sui Testnet?

The network is permissionless. Although anyone can engage with the testnet, awards are exclusively given to program participants.

For an end user or crypto holder:

  1. Sui Web wallet can be downloaded here
  2. Open Sui wallet -> Setting (3 lines) -> Network -> Sui testnet
  3. Use Sui Discord #testnet-faucet channel to receive testnet tokens on Sui testnet.
  4. On testnet, Capy NFT can be tested by visiting

The deployment of Dapps will take a few days as the Testnet has just recently launched.

The testnet SUI coins and staking rewards are exclusively used for testing and have no monetary value.

For a developer,

Grab a free public API key along with the endpoint from and apply it to your SDK or HTTP clients. If you need a dedicated key, please sign up and it's free.

Sui RPC keys

What Does Testnet Wave 2 Mean for Developers?

For developers who are building on Sui or plan to do so in the future, Testnet Wave 2 means more clarity about how their applications will perform when fully deployed onto the main blockchain network. They can use this opportunity to gain insight into how their application works under different conditions before going live in production mode which could result in fewer surprises once they launch their project publicly. With improved security features such as enhanced privacy options available during this testing phase along with advanced analytics capabilities being provided by, developers have everything they need to make sure their applications are running smoothly before taking them live onto the main blockchain network.

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