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Cross-chain Bridge

List of 7 Cross-chain Bridge projects. A Cross-chain Bridge facilitates the transfer of tokens and data between different blockchain networks, enhancing interoperability and broadening the utility of existing cryptocurrencies and assets.


Celer is a blockchain interoperability protocol enabling a one-click user experience accessing tokens, DeFi, GameFi, NFTs, governance, and more across multiple chains. Developers can build inter-chain-native dApps using the Celer Inter-chain Message SDK to gain access to efficient liquidity utilization, coherent application logic, and shared states. Users of Celer-enabled dApps will enjoy the benefits of a diverse multi-blockchain ecosystem with the simplicity of a single-transaction UX, all from a single chain.

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Cross-chain Bridge


Wormhole allows developers to easily build decentralized applications that span the entire blockchain ecosystem. The Wormhole SDK covers a wide range of use cases that makes going cross-chain simple for tokens, NFTs, apps, and other messaging applications. With Wormhole, applications on different chains work better together. It supports multiple runtimes including EVM, EVM+, Solana, CosmWASM, and Algorand.

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Cross-chain Bridge


Axelar delivers secure cross-chain communication for Web3. Our infrastructure enables dApp users to interact with any asset or application, on any chain, with one click.

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Cross-chain Bridge


LayerZero is an omnichain interoperability protocol. LayerZero enables the realization of cross-chain applications with a low level communication primitive.

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Cross-chain Bridge


Multichain is a non-custodial cross-chain router protocol symbolizing decentralization. It processes Multichain cross-chain bridging and smart contract methods on other chains. Multichain’s 1:1 bridge enables users to perform 0 slippage transfers and eliminate the hidden cost associated with AMM. Multichain Router allows users to swap between any two chains freely, reducing fees and making it easier to move between chains.

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Cross-chain Bridge

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Axelar Network

A Web3 cross-chain application that aims to provide a smooth cross-chain experience for public chains and their ecosystems.

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Cross-chain Bridge


A cross-chain protocol backed by Solana. In October 2022, Solana released an Ethereum token cross-chain bridge.

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Cross-chain Bridge